Powerful Ways to Congratulate Yourself And Boost Your Moral

Looking back at the last year and all the small things I have achieved in the light of bigger ones to come, I say Well Done to myself. Well Done, Well Done, Well Done. In Ghana, we say “if you don’t happy yourself, none will happy you”. So say Well Done to Yourself.

I know that you may have wished for your project, your task, your endeavor, your business, your work just like in our daily lives…to be perfect and lots better.

Life journey It is not easy but I say Well done to you.

But I say to you well done.

I know that you have wanted things to be different about your influence and impact over what you are currently doing.

But I say well done to you!

I know that sometimes you truly ask yourself if all the efforts you put in was even worth it.

Well done for being brave enough to try!

I know so many things must have gone wrong, but you persisted against all odds, mistakes, setbacks, difficulties and problems

Well done for persisting…

Well done for your consistency…

Well done for showing up…

Well done for supporting others even when they don’t support you the way you want it in return.

Well done for stretching so much to produce such high quality results.

Well done for all the sleepless nights even when the results seem sometimes so discouraging or not showing up immediately.

Well done for showing up through your consistent contributions, ideas, thoughts for ‘YOU’ but more importantly for ‘US’ for the betterment of society.

Well done for all your sacrifices to get better at the thing you are doing right now. It isn’t easy. But know that it will pay off one day or the other.

Well done for embracing and getting to this life course more closely than you have ever done. You will definitely get there. Guaranteed!

Now that you have gone through this post, The next time, your thoughts of the things that didn’t go as plan come up in your mind. Pat yourself and just say: WELL DONE.

You may not have a perfect life right now, but if you are perfectly doing all you can per time to get better at living life, then you deserve a WELL DONE.

Nobody is an expert at living life the way he or she wants exactly , we are all here just trying our best to get it right and get there.

So I say WELL DONE again.

Don’t look at another’s person’s performance and forget how great even the outcome in your own life is.

Pause, and celebrate yourself by yourself for yourself.

Do you want me to go on and on…

Yes, I can But let me stop here for today and let you breath and digest this one first.

Till you read from again,
Stay Say WELL DONE !.

By Tamoskoff

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