Alma Berrow: “Art creation is an intrinsic aspect of my being”

I stumbled upon Alma’s work on Instagram and was immediately fascinated by it. It’s like little moments of life have been captured with all emotions, experiences, facets, conversations, etc. It sharpens your view on the little moments, the in-between moments, all conversations which don’t consist of words and nuances of feeling that life consists of.

For the following I asked Alma if she wants to do an interview with me:

Luna Maluna Gri: Tell me a bit about yourself and your work. How and why did you start creating art?

Alma Berrow: My journey into art began in my youth, fostered by supportive parents who encouraged my creative inclinations. After studying at Falmouth University, initially pursuing an Art and Design Foundation and a year of Fashion BA, I ventured into various professions, all of which had a creative component. It was during the lockdown period, while residing with my mother, a skilled ceramicist named Miranda Berrow, in Dorset, that I discovered ceramics in her studio, amid limited personal space.

LMG: What role does creating art play for you?

AB: Art creation is an intrinsic aspect of my being. From a young age, I found solace and expression in artistic endeavors. Drawing, in particular, has served as a medium for emotional release and introspection. Over time, I’ve come to view my artistic practice as a form of therapy, facilitating the exploration and processing of memories, emotions, and thoughts.

LMG: What does your creating process look like?

AB: My creative process is pretty loose. I usually start with a vague idea scribbled down and then dive into the clay. I don’t aim for hyper-realism; I’m more about capturing the essence or feeling of an object rather than its exact replica. Through this process I hope to capture people’s attention long enough to recognise the object while also noting the object is not in fact the object at all. It’s all about play for me—letting my imagination run wild.

LMG: What inspires you?

AB: I find inspiration in humanity itself, in our quirks and idiosyncrasies. I love freezing these little moments in time and immortalizing them in ceramic form.

LMG: What is your experience with the art world?

AB: I got a taste of the art world early on, thanks to my parents who were avid collectors. Growing up surrounded by art, going to exhibitions, and having deep chats about it was a real privilege. Every realm has its ups and downs, but I think it’s all about choosing which side you want to focus on each day.

LMG: Is there something you want to change about the art world? If yes, what and why?

AB: If given the opportunity, I would advocate for enhanced support systems for emerging artists, particularly the younger generation. The art industry can be daunting, with numerous complexities to navigate, such as gallery dynamics, commission percentages, expense coverage, and transparency regarding collectors. I believe there is a gap in openly disseminating this crucial information to artists embarking on their creative journey, and addressing this gap could empower emerging talents to navigate the art world more confidently.

LMG: What do you think is/are the role/-s of artists and art in our society?

AB: Artists and art play pivotal roles in our society. Art is storytelling. Works capture the essence of the artist’s time, reflecting not only their own experiences but also the broader cultural and social dynamics at play. In a world increasingly driven by technology, the importance of arts and crafts is so important, offering a tangible and immersive experience, taking us away from the screen. Art serves as a bridge between past, present, and future, preserving cultural heritage while inspiring innovation. It also fosters empathy, dialogue, and social change, reminding us of the intrinsic value of beauty, creativity, and individual expression in our lives.

LMG: What artist/artists would you like to meet (dead or alive) and if you had one question what would you ask them?

AB: If I could meet with any artist, it would definitely be Niki De Saint Phalle. I’ve grown to love her work because of my mom. One dream of mine is to visit the Tarot Gardens someday, and I’d love to chat with her about how she came up with those incredible creations. Although I saw Dalis Madonna in NY last year and would love to talk about this art work with him too…it blew me away.

LMG: Is there something you want to achieve in your art life? Dreams? Future plans? Or projects you would like to do?

AB: I’ve got a whole bunch of dreams and ambitions swirling around in my head when it comes to life, love, and of course, art. But lately, I’ve been trying to dial it back a bit and focus more on being present in the moment. It’s my little New Year’s resolution—to live more in the now instead of constantly scheming for the future.

LMG: Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your work as an artist which you couldn’t in any other field of work?

AB: I hope so, creativity has always been an incredibly important tool for me. I have a degree in creative youth work. In the not too distant future I hope to be able to use this degree to help empower others to find expression and a voice through creativity.

Copyright to all photos and artworks: Alma Berrow



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