Each individual has has something a message to convey, a story to tell, an experience to share, an idea to give, a testimony to give. Each one of us has something within him or her to bring out.

Indeed, we all have something small or big to offer to the world. For instance You behavior can inspire or motivate someone.

The way you talk can be a source of motivation to someone.

The diligence you display at work can be a lesson for someone else.

The happiness and joy you show around yourself , the smile throw everyday can be a source of energy, lighten and brighten someone’s day.

You might not notice how impcatful your actions, your deeds, your messages, a simple conversation, and a contribution during the day a meeting, a positive comment can be a source of encouragement to neighbors.

For some people, this intrinsic qualities, values are hidden. It needs to be awakened.

For others, their natural abilities, talents, skills, charisma don’t need to be worked on. They reveal it the world instantly.

In spite of all this, where yours lie?

If you are naturally endowed and you know it, use it, explore it more and more, and display it. Find a niche to work it out and contribute your quota to the edification of the others

If yours is hidden and you don’t know it, that is fine. It can be revealed to you by others. The first group can be of help and assistance. You can also easily discover it through coaching, training and mentoring, tests etc..
They will teach you how to bring it out the best way and leverage on it.

Today opportunities are many and varied: watch TV, listen to radio, read books, magazines, newspapers, workbooks take part into competitions and games. There you can easily discover your passion and follow it.

There are Webinars,Masterclass, mastermind, free or paid all over the world. Be in watch of them. They can be a great source for you.

You can forcibly need to have money. I guess each and every one can have access to at least one of these medium in one way or the other. If you didn’t have any of them at your disposition, a friend can offer to help you if asked for with due respect.
You don’t have to any excuse to take the opportunity that comes your way.

Stand up, link up with the like minded people. Explore all the avenues offered to you by life and the social media.

Today platforms, forums, groups, associations are every where on the net. Locate the one that can help you achieve your goals or tap into your talents and skills.

To list a few, you have Facebook, Snapchat, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Weechat, YouTube etc…You can learn to discover yourself through them. All that you may need is data. Finish.

What is your situation now? Are you struggling to meet the end of the month?

So if you are actively looking for opportunities? Don’t sit down – – Stand up, go for them. Yes, you can. But in all, don’t forget to give praise to the CREATOR.

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