Part Thirteen of the series “Letters from the heart”.
Behind the fainted smile on my face, hides dark secrets that your ears wish to hear someday…
Behind the cold facial expression, lies warmth and kindness that you wished could encounter…
The thought of giving you up scares me to death, the overwhelming silence could be suffocating to the point that I can’t sense my surroundings or the air coming from my lungs. the captivation of your eyes makes my soul surrender to its gloriousness, meanwhile, we are looking in different directions, and different generations collide in a beautiful pattern. I can share my secrets if you do the same, looking at the full moon with the light of the lamp, golden faces speaking in quietness, and sharing kids’ bedtime stories. I am the moon child you were looking for so long, that cup of coffee you’ve spilled on your hand, accentuates the wrinkles in your hand, gazing at that map at the end of the coffee cup while narrating your fortune telling.
The way to love me isn’t hard,
Just hold me tight like you are now,
We don’t know what will happen to us later
We can be more in love together
Only then by Roy Kim
I conceive this website has some very wonderful info for everyone. “There is nothing so disagreeable, that a patient mind cannot find some solace for it.” by Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
Thank you so much wonderful reader, the quote you’ve share is wonderful indeed. your encouragement helps us write more creative posts and letters.
Appreciate it alot xoxo