@Jackhwtt – Rays of Sunshine

Beautiful hues of grey is what pulls you in closer while gazing at a self portrait by Jack Hewitt, his art is captivating , mesmerizing and simply unique in the world of social media.

Rays of Sunshine is Art.

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background. 

Jack Hewitt: I never actually studied art in academic level. I studied film with the idea of becoming a cinematographer. I’ve always been drawn to visual composition, so I’d say my background comes from looking at a lot of film and photography. However, that’s not to say that I just started drawing and painting recently; it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. 

2. How did you come across your creative side? 

I wouldn’t say that I have come across it because it’s been there from a very early age so to speak.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page? 

I try not to think too much about aesthetics in relation to Instagram, and I try not to paint something because I think it would look good on my page or get lots of likes. I feel that Aesthetics are instinctive, and I try to tap into that instinct as much as possible.

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world? 

Just keep making stuff, and make stuff for yourself. 

5. Can you share your creative process in making your paintings and posts? 

In terms of making paintings I just respond to things I see, or I’m responding to an ideas that pop into my head. I try not to think too much about why I’m doing something as it’s happening, that comes after. I often reflect upon this within my captions on Instagram.

6. Your captions are always inspirational, how do you research your rays of sunshine? 

My captions are usually reflective. I talk about my intention and influences, and what is the outcome compares to that. Reflection is a necessary part of creation for me, and I like to share that with my audience. 

7. When do you feel most inspired? 

I get inspired the most by those who are prolific in their craft, from my closest friends and from people whose work I follow and admire. I also collect and save a lot of images online that I always refer back to. Photography has always been a big influence for me. 

8. Share a quote from your favorite Filmmaker that resonates with you. 

I’ve never verified the origin of this quote but it’s something Andrei Tarkovsky said, (and I’m paraphrasing) If you look for meaning you’ll miss everything that happens‘.

9. What value would you like to amplify in this world through your page? 

Simply the openness to share what you create. 

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? and how does their content inspire you? 

I’ve always preferred not to approach people I admire. The phrase don’t meet your heroes is something I definitely follow quite closely. For me I’m more obsessed with the work than the person even though there is an argument to be made for the work being an extension of the person. However if I had to name someone it would probably be someone of the same likes as Phil Hale or Ruprecht von Kauffman. I’m obsessed with artists who are virtuoso , and artists whose work you can recognize from miles off.

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans? 

Creating paintings as a full time Artist.

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page?

I’d say I just toss my perspective in the ring with everyone else’s, and painting is the way in which I feel I can express myself the best. 

13. Share with us a testimonial from your audience?

Not sure I could list one. But I love to hear when people interpret something that I’ve never considered or intended. It takes the pressure of communicating my intention. 

Follow him on Social Media

Jack Hewitt – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

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