Light! Dear Light. Tell me, where do you live?

In your heart, if you let me live there.

But how to do and know this?

Opening your horizons,

allowing your moral evolution,

in the deep involvement of faith and love.

In safe seas, you long for new adventures.

 And if even so drown me? 

How to save me?

There is a boat. A special commander is at the helm.

It is surrounded by the flowers of the sovereign lady,

and scented by royal roses.

It is always visible, for those who sincerely call it

and by the golden nets of forgiveness let yourself be involved.

Never in such I heard of! I don't even believe it exists.

No matter what level of evolution you are,

you live in a damp cave,

subject to harsh and expiatory penalties,

or you are on a comforting plain,

your place will be forever safe,

according to your preparation and will,

no charges or time accounting.

So I can have hope?

Happiness and divinity are for you, for everyone.

Likewise, also eternity.

Let yourself be guided by the openers of the way,

that all storms have passed,

and whose names are in the stars.

 Ah, the unattainable stars!

They will be like a goal to reach on your path.

Just make yourself light as a feather.

With an open chest, practice the dance of light.


She is yours, acquired by your divine cradle.

A poetry written by Cristina Maya Caetano.

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  1. Avatar for zoritoler imol zoritoler imol
    April 10, 2023

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