In the poem, the poet tries to capture the feeling of being in love and experiencing it through others being in love. She tries to understand what it must feel like to be experiencing it and it being consistent. Love that fears her and thrills her at the same time.
What must be the romantic heart, As it flutters so in the breeze, How must it feel to finally feel it, The emotion that it feels. I envy those or I am unlucky To see no lilies blooms, To see no trees that bear no leaves, But for what I must encounter, To feel the romantic heart. The ever so happy ending, The millions of affections bound in three words, Like silk being more precious than its true nature, And the world looking ever so beautiful. The giddiness of life And the consistency of certainty. Fears me and thrills me, As I loose time to mortality.
Written by. Anushka.
Featured Image by Verena Fay.