“Whir” Video by Theadora Nedvins & Photography by Erica Diane | Rebirth

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and have been having complex feelings about my womb. It’s meant to give life, but it’s defected and might not be able to. There’s a lot of uncertainty there and fear, but hope too. I’m hoping in creating floral wombs I can manifest the possibility of life in my own internal organs.

”Womb Bloom” by Erica Diane

Whir (2022) holds up a mirror between the man-made and natural world by exploring the relationship between fiber art and botanic textures. Needlework has served as a collective outlet for working through trauma for centuries, just as gently observing the organic movement of nature has. Whir invites the audience to soften their gaze and “stop and smell the [flowers]” as the visuals weave together creating their own moving textile, a dance celebrating the meticulous ease and stillness in healing repetition. Through the use of soft images and the historically domestic, feminine, practice of fiber arts, Whir rejects the idea that gentleness and strength are antithetical.

Creative Video by Theadora Nedvins

You can watch the video on this link – Vimeo

Follow them on Social Media

Theadora Nedvins – Instagram

Erica Diane – Instagram Website

Rebirth – April 2023

Explore works of art and literature from around the world inspired by the beginning of Spring, the changing of the Seasons, and the anticipation we feel after the standstill of winter.

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