Paulo Coelho says in his book ‘The Archer’,
“A leaf doesn’t cease to be a leaf merely because a storm tore it from the tree”.
I found this quite inspiring carrying far more depth than it seems to have. Every one of us keeps experiencing a lot of trials in our lives no matter what aspect. The only thing that joins us on a single focus is our reactions to difficulties, our hope for the better, and our struggle for getting over the problem. This is what exactly defines us in an individually unique way for every single person out there has his own perspective to deal with the miseries of life along with blessings of life. We do not have an option to only stay hopeful in the positive times, and burring our hopes in the hard times.
We all have to strive through both the good and bad times of our lives with the strongest weapon of hope and be our own true selves to become the better versions than we were the day before…
We all have to wait for another storm or a crashing wave that would make us learn how to stand far stronger and far more affirmed on the ground than before…
For the sun_ ray of hope always shines brighter just right after the storms…
Just as in this poem of mine, I depicted the never ending hope despite the hopelessness every one of us feels during our difficult times:
Waves after waves were storming pass my feet,
As if I’m stuck while life moves on…
The sand beneath my feet was leaving the territory,
As if no anchor is ever enough for the mess my sensitivity creates…
The waves were receding now,
As if taking all my strength away along with them…
But, here I’m waiting for another one,
Because that’s how life gets done with everyone…
amna rana
Also if you find the book ‘The Archer’ by Paulo Coelho interesting, you may read it from the amazon link below: