As I try to contain in my screams, I stare at the vast sky. It’s so sad. It’s blue.
I’ve been trying to call you, I’ve been trying to communicate what goes on inside me while I try to comprehend what’s happening around me. My heart wretches as I wake up every morning not knowing how I will get through the day but when I look around, the numbness prevails.
Do you not see the sufferings going on, do you not see how humanity is dying out, do you not see how the people on this planet are grieving?
Why do some have to face tough battles, fight for bread and butter, yet more pain is inflicted upon them?
Why do some put others through vile hardships, play with others’ lives, yet get away with everything?
They say justice will be served. They say the one who is watching is fair and that everyone will get what they deserve. But I’m tired. I’m tired of the constant agony this world is serving to its habitants. I’m tired of watching the humankind suffer. I’m tired of watching everyone trying to survive.
To the one who sees everything and everyone, but is unseen:
Would there come a day the people will actually get to live and not mere fight for their survival?
Would there come a day when I will wake up and hear about mother Earth healing and suffering coming to a halt?
I yearn for a day like that as I cling to hope, but when enduring pain gets unbearable, when this heart cries of grief and when the eyes bleed of sorrow, who do we turn to, dear God?
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🤞🤞piaoliang 💕