Self Growth – The Uncoiled Celebrating Limitlessness Tue, 01 Jun 2021 03:29:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Self Growth – The Uncoiled 32 32 Why Is It Important To Understand What Success Means To You Tue, 01 Jun 2021 03:29:40 +0000


We all long to become successful, but sometimes forget to do things that are in line with attaining success. We have big dreams but fail to fulfill them to the fullest in order to see them through. We have big wishes but fail to make them happen in our lives. We want to achieve heights but forget that going to the top is not an easy job. In fact if it were easy, we are all there right now.

Unfortunately, mere dreams, wishes are not achieved by words of mouth. It is the effort, the zeal, the work, the passion we put in to make them happen that open the road to success . If you have a shortcut to it, please let me know.

I know success may have different definitions, features and perspectives depending on each one’s perception and philosophy of life. But it has signs that show clearly what you are successful at and how it impacts your life and other people’s lives.

Now, endeavor to answer the following questions in plain words in order to position yourself strategically on the path of success or join the league of successful people.

What is your definition of success and what can you do to gain it?

What should you do that proves you are steadily working towards the success you desire?

Before you answer those questions , note that from the top of my knowledge and experience and after studying and listening to successful ones, I have come to realize that:

Success is not a tap that you open and the water starts flowing spontaneously.

Success is not mere dreams that you always keep under your mind’s carpet unscheduled, unchanged, unchecked, unachieved

Success is not simple wishes that you throw on yourself or others send you through whichever means

Success is not doing the same thing, the same way everyday

Success is not for those who are not deliberate or intentional about their daily activities

Now that you understood what success is not from my perspective which may be different from your line of thought , let’s talk about what it is.

Success is the the daily pursuit of excellence irrespective of irrespective of obstacles, setbacks, hardships that you encounter on your road


Success belongs to those who wake up every morning and pursue their dreams regardless of any confrontations, difficulties, problems or issues

Success is for those who have grow and make their mind not to give up, not to give in and not to throw in the towel as, a boxer will do when he can sustain the punches of his opponent

Success is for those who always say “the game is not going to be over until I gain what I want”,

Success is for those who surrender from *” *what will people say syndrome” and stop moving on*

Success is for everyone. Yes it is for YOU too. Embrace it. Devise it. Imagine it. Create it and live in it.

Success is for you, never take it light. You have all Abilities and the potentials that have been endowed on you. Try hard to discover it and work on it day in, day out. **The Greatness within you is limitless ** and you deserve to be successful.

Again if you have any ideas, thoughts, definitions different from the above, you are free to express them in the comments. Your contributions may add more spice to the subject and make it more palatable.

What to do now?

Decide and *devise your definition of success and strive to work towards it to the best of your abilities, knowledge, experience and skills.

This is my advice to you, feel free to take it in, absorb it and digest it for the advancement of your business, life or any other course of endeavor you find yourself in or reject it.

As you go through the day, the week, the month and the rest of the year 2021,

Dare to be DIFFERENT .


Dare to go EXTRA MILE



Dare to be YOURSELF .

You’re more than what you are now

So make this week’s success counts for you and replicate it for the days, weeks, months and years to come in a strategic and tactical manner. You will be surprised by the results you will be getting.



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Drop the External Attachments and Look in the Mirror Now Sun, 18 Apr 2021 14:30:45 +0000
Are you the same person no matter what?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Who do you see when you look in the mirror?

It is all well and good to hold to our principles, beliefs, faiths, rituals, ceremonies and traditions. However, when it comes time to let go of them how often are we able to? Do you know who you are without them? What do you see when you look in the mirror ?Can you see that you are actually the same person whether you cling to one belief or another?

That there comes a time on your path that you will find yourself not needing to grasp so tightly to any one thing, belief, ritual or tradition. That we are taught and conditioned to identify with these from birth, but actually we are born without such labels and tags. That we are born from the wombs of human mothers and that is the last we will all be able to be in the true state of who we are.

This can be a lot to contemplate, but if you sit with it long enough and start to self-liberate from all the identification you are conditioned with you will come to a much fresher, deeper, clearer place of being. It is a huge leap to just drop everything. I am not suggesting this strategy, unless of course this is where you are in your life. I also use the word ‘self’ liberate – for too many of us think that we are going to get liberated and enlightened by someone else doing the work for us, or waving a magic wand and we suddenly wake up in the land of Nirvana.

Being able to start dropping all these conditioned states starts to happen organically the further you commit to your journey of self. So, no need to take the big leap if you are not prepared for it. Self-love, self-care, self- discovery and individuation – as Carl Jung would call it – all come into the practice of dropping/letting go/letting be. This is how studying Buddhism has helped me to get my head around the psychology of concepts and labels, and how we actually are so conditioned into them that we often cannot see the wood for the trees.

Consider for a moment if you are to say I am a Gypsey, or I am a Buddhist or I am a Vegan (it could be any title you are given or have taken for yourself) or I am a student, I am an artist…. Can you actually see anywhere in the physical the title that you are? When you look at yourself in the mirror can you see the description ‘vegan’ or can you see the word in manifestation of ‘artist’?

Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
Who do you see when you look in the mirror?

Plain and simple – no. All you do see is the sum of physical parts manifesting as a human body. We see arm, foot, stomach, face, hair, but we are not those either – are we? We say ‘I am a ‘blonde’, but what exactly is that? Yes, your hair colour may be blonde, but is blonde who you are? No when you look in the mirror you find more than just body parts.

Now stay with me, this is quite a deep contemplation practice, but it really can set you free from the suffocating solid thoughts and dogmas you are living with. You see if nothing is as solid as it seems, and we cannot even get a handle on who we are, then how can we cling to tightly to the labels that we think make us who we are. And this gives us the opportunity to then start dropping what we are clinging so tightly to.

All I do know is that it becomes more and more liberating to drop it all. To finally come to place after years and lifetimes of doing the work, doing the practices that we read so much about and committing to our path.

Question it all. Does this belief, religion, dogma, tradition, ceremony, ritual etc serve me? Or can I still be an amazing person without all of them. Can I decide to use them and honour them, but still see them for what they are? Merely guides, teachers, chaperones and ushers, accompanying us on the road, but not necessarily bound to us for the whole trip. It is the binding, solidifying, clinging, grasping and attaching that causes such problems for us.

Who are you attached to?

The moment we are stripped of a title or tag, there goes our whole personality having a breakdown, because we don’t know who we are anymore.  We either then very quickly move onto another unhealthy attachment or spend a vast amount of time trying to figure out who we are (identity crisis 101).

If only we would’ve been instructed from an early age, that who we truly are is not something that is defined by any external structure or classification. Our hair can be blond, but I am not. Our body can be fat, but I am not. Our emotions can display anger, but I am not. Similarly with religious or cultural identification. If we are born in a country but then move when we are very little, what culture do we identify with – even if the birth certificate tells you something else?

Once you start to take this approach to looking at life and your life, it kind of gives one permission to be a little gentler with oneself and others. A little less judgemental, a little more compassionate. And isn’t that the true start of the spiritual journey that so many claim to be on, yet when it comes down to it, they still sit in so much judgment and conditioning.

True Compassion
True gentle, non-judgemental compassion is what the path is all about

Well I don’t know about you, but I am going to go look in the mirror right now and see past all the flaws and imperfections I think are my identity, and go straight to the heart of the person looking back at me and start there.


GO HERE to understand compassion Compassion – Wikipedia

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Have you been showing up for yourself lately, or wondering why others are not showing up for you? Can you too can relate to the struggle of the striving, pushing, forcing, hustling world we are living in nowadays. Off the back of a conversation yesterday that the world isn’t going to slow down any time soon for us, we need to then figure out just how we are going to choose to show up in the world.

I’ve also been contemplating how this week I really backed myself with a decision I made and the moment I did this all the uncertainty, confusion and anxiety around the situation disappeared. You see I think the universe likes to test us, but what it loves to see most is that we take the test with all our might and pass it – no matter how many times we have to do a re-write 😉

We do not have to show up with bells and whistles, glitter and lip gloss to be successful, intelligent, compassionate people. We should not have to go looking, begging or bragging for attention and recognition. We shouldn’t need to outdo and compete with each other in the game of life. Perhaps in some areas, like sports, yes, a little competition as they say never hurt anybody. But in the game of life, I think there is enough we need to process, deal with and experience, that trying then to bring in your fellow human beings as competitors is a bit futile, short-sighted and unnecessary.

Showing up for yourself will make all the difference in the world
(ARTIST credit – Nitu Chajjer) Showing up for yourself will make all the difference in the world

All we really need to do – as I’m sure I have stated before because I feel so strongly about it – is show up as ourselves. That’s it. And then be ok that some people will not show up with you and for you. Seems like an empty, scary place. I assure you and almost completely guarantee (because you may be the exception) that if you do the work of accepting yourself – warts, wrinkles and a few character flaws and all, you will find that you are the only person that needs to truly be there for you!

It takes a while to come to this place of self-acceptance, it takes examination of ALL of you, the good, the bad, the ugly, the bitchy, the whiney, the moody, the holy and I am sure you could think of a host of others to add to your resume. You see if we try and cover up a part of ourselves and only show the world our game face then we will only attract players in the game.  

If, however we show up as our whole, complex, messy human selves then we know that we can probably expect some very real authentic humans to show up too. And we can then choose if we want to walk the journey with them.

There is such power in being seen as you are and still accepted. This is the true law of attraction at work, when people show up for us no matter what because they feel on a certain level that what we are offering is at last authentic, open and receptive. We all know what it is like to feel awkward and uncomfortable in our own skins and it is almost necessary to go through this so we can grow into who we are meant to be. But take care not to remain in your comfort zone for too long, or expect others to wait for us while we get used to the idea of growth.

We also know what it is like to be around people with no agendas and no masks, who truly are just good to be around and leave everywhere they go a little better for it. These are the people who are showing up in the world as themselves, whether they are having a good or bad day. You see those are always inevitable being the nature of world. They are just being true to their own nature’s, and that is what makes all the difference in their days. A good dose of self acceptance and an examined life will carry you far.

If you don’t know anyone like this then I wish you the inspiring experience, and instead of waiting to discover someone like this why not start becoming that person yourself. You will be amazed at just what and who you find on your path when you do!

Showing up for yourself will attract your tribe.

Follow this link to read how forcing things is futile Why Forcing Something is Futile and Ends in Frustration – The Uncoiled

Check out last week’s article here The Most Powerful Betrayal in History – Why we Betray. – The Uncoiled

For more info on self acceptance go here Self-acceptance – Wikipedia

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How To Avoid Growth Hinders Without Hiring A Personal Development Coach- Seven Incredible Elements To Watch Out Fri, 09 Apr 2021 02:54:37 +0000

The basic requirements for growth are desire and actions. However when your desire exceeds actions, the requirements won’t be met and growth would be hindered .

Some of us are too much consumed by the desire than putting in the actions required to give birth to the desired growth.

So, if you are concerned with changing levels rather than growing, please listen up- some levels are subjected to growth and not desire, because they can’t be handled with immaturity.

Therefore, it is essential that you’re grown into the stature of the level you have pictured before you can feature into it.

The reason is simple – you can’t operate a as a master in a filed with a baby’s mind. That’s would be the biggest disaster ever in your life. Kings reason, live or act correspondingly.

If you want to be a master, you need to gather the needed information, knowledge and experience before people will tag you as such.

You have to go through the process with all that it entails :depression at certain point, oppression another time, headaches, hustles, difficulties anything that can refine and position you as a master in the future.

Know that to move from one level to another , to climb the steps of a ladder in life, there is a sacrifice attached it. Some of them come in form of hard experiences meant to enlarge your capacity and prune you into shape like that tree at the roadside you admire a lot.

Give every word a meaning, learn how to grow with every comma, full stop, exclamation mark, question mark etc..

Anything that robs your peace, tranquility and comfort might be the right ingredients for the kind of growth required by the new level you want to reach. If you can’t endure it, forget about that desired growth you are longing for.

Know that some steps are sharp while others are steep. They become unfriendly causing your temperament. Therefore, you need to trim them well, pay rapt attention to them as you are climbing so that you stand still.

Unfortunately, some of us, merely have no accommodating capacity, yet we want to take the lead, command and give order. How can it happen successfully? Sometimes I feel like I am part of that group.

Some of us too find very difficult to manage relationships because we’ve unknowingly or knowingly stopped the process that might help us grow in that aspect. We taught we could do it alone. It will definitely bounce back.

Let’s say you leave in the same room with your friend, and one day you actually packed out of the room because you think your roommate is the most terrible and worst human being on earth while forgetting that you are not perfect as well.

If you start tagging people as such, you would like to live alone than mingling with people because they easily get on your nerves. But, stop and think : don’t you get on people’s nerves too? Or you are a saint. I don’t think so.

If you have resolved to climb a mountain for days, you will definitely burn some fat and dump some weight in the air before you reach your destination or achieve your goals.

If we badly hold on to those things, yet we desire new level, how will get there?

I hope by now, you have started thinking of your past, your current conditions, the way you go about things. That’s cool.

This means, wisdom is not acquired once for all. We grow everyday. That’s the principle of life. We all hope to be better day in day out even if many aspect of your life are not responding in affirmative to your desires.

Stupid ones analyse days, months and years of their life with usual false hope that things will get better the next day, month and year but the wise ones analyse each day, month and year of their life in such a way that they make the best from every moment. They don’t wish, they take action.

Don’t forget we are already in April and the year will end in 8 months time.

A new day should be a new you, and what you make out of it it matters a lot to your future life.

Be an action taker, a champion of the moment not the champion of the future you haven’t already seen and touched. Plan for the future but act daily to get there.

The only way to get there is to quit the fantasies and build your reality. Reality of the moment.

To sum up, these are things you can do

1-Get aligned with your maker.

Develop a cordial relationship with Him through which you can navigate the course of your existence.

Good success comes from God, not the ones that makes you rich with a touch of sorrow.

Stop believing the lies that you don’t need God to be successful.

2-Learn to grow with the commas, no level promises a smooth ride.

Stay active in the place of process rather than running away.

3-Be updated and versatile.

Learn skills, that’s the latest currency.

4-Read books:

It could be spiritual, financial, marital, leadership, career materials etc.

If you are an undergraduate, or graduate, these books will prepare you mind and get you ready for the desired growth you desire. Don’t wait till you graduate before you start making things happen or you have a problem before you start looking for solutions. They in those books.

5-Get trained and well groomed for the future before you.

6-Build your life with valuable resources.

7-And by all means, implement!

Getting results is not just about gathering knowledge, results can only be gotten from the knowledge you implement not the ones you document.

If you got value from this article

Hit the comment section !

I care a lot about you! I love you. You are highly esteemed.

Be a change agent.

See you in my next article.


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The Most Powerful Betrayal in History – Why we Betray. Sat, 03 Apr 2021 09:54:38 +0000

If you have ever experienced a betrayal then you know it cannot be described lightly. It is a painful experience which often leaves one changed, for better or worse. Whether or not you follow Christianity we are all aware of the profound story of the Crucifixion/Resurrection of Jesus Christ that is observed over Easter. Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus to his enemies is perhaps the most well-known act of disloyalty & violation of trust in history.

Not many know or consciously acknowledge that Easter has deeply rooted origins in the pre-Christian pagan goddess known as Eostere/Ostara – a Saxon /Teutonic deity of ancient times.  She always signified the renewal and rebirthing of Spring, where the hare and the egg are both symbols of this goddess. Around this same time sacrifices were made to give thanks for the end of winter and pray for a bountiful new season. It seems so much of history has been omitted, manipulated and steered into the narratives of the governments and leaders of the day.

But back to betrayal. It presents in many forms – someone lies to you, cheats on you, leaves you with no explanation, slanders your name, abuses you, violates you and in extreme cases causes physical harm and death. Often it is someone close to you or who is in your immediate circle of relations.

American Bishop and author TD Jakes says “Your enemy is never on the outside. Your enemy is always on the inside” – we often know the person & they have intimate knowledge of us.

You see a stranger cannot betray you in the same way a family member, friend or lover can. A stranger can be deceitful, duplicitous, manipulative and a host of other unsavoury things, but they would not affect your life in the same way as there is probably not the investment of friendship, time, trust and familiarity that those closer to you have developed.

After a betrayal, things don’t just ‘return to normal’, how could they? There is a definite and defining shift in your being. First you most probably will feel utter shock that someone could behave this way towards you, it will feel like your eyes have been glued together your whole life and all of a sudden someone has ripped them open. Your will feel the shattering of your heart splintered into pieces and your mind will explode, crack and crumble in revolt.

At this point you may feel confused and hopeless. You will try justifying all sorts of things to yourself and possibly even make yourself the ‘baddie’ in the story. You will need to take time to start to piece the puzzle together and make peace with the missing pieces. Above all compassion and a step-by-step approach will be needed to heal the raw gushing wounds of this experience.

Often, we will want to strike back, lash out and hurt them back, however this will never heal our hearts and minds. We will only cause ourselves and others more damage. And from any perspective, spiritual or not, this is not the way forward. The friendship is irrevocably changed, the spouse is never quite trusted again, the reputation & career possibly ruined.

What we need is to detach and step away and see that the betrayer is usually acting out of self centered interests – whether consciously or unconsciously. We see this when Judas seems to sell Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. *(The recent discovery of the Gospel of Judas has different implications; I mention only because we do not always have all the evidence and facts.)

If not solely self-centered, then perhaps misguided or misinformed, they are not able to see at the time the devastation they will cause. They have not the maturity or developed intellect to play out what will happen, there is no concern for cause and effect, and of actually a modus operandi of looking at the benefit and gain for themselves only. The betrayer usually has selfish motives – don’t be too hasty to dismiss this statement.

 They probably want to look good or impress others by siding with them. They want to win, to feel powerful. There is always a payoff and benefit and it probably is buried deep in the subconscious. It is not for you to figure out their psyches, but with this understanding you can start to depersonalize the act of the betrayal and see that is actually could have more to do with their own stuff than yours.

What hurts most is the consequence of the act of betrayal – the loss. The loss of not only the person or relationship, but the loss of faith, trust and confidence, in yourself and others. The shattering disappointment, fear, rejection and pain which sends shockwaves through your life that results in many hours /days or weeks, sometimes years of pondering what went wrong, what did you do to deserve this, and how to glue together the pieces of your heart & restore your faith again.

The wisest advice would be to follow a Masters example here and work on forgiving straight away. One does not need to be religious to learn from the sages of our world. Ultimately Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and Abraham all carry the same fundamental message.  I use the word work, because forgives and acceptance do not happen instantly. It is process which takes time and understanding. The prime example of the Ascended Master Jesus’ words “forgive them for they know not what they do” sums up the spiritual lesson of betrayal.

Sometimes we will never get the answers and apologies we need. We also do not always know – consciously – what kind of karmic drama we have played our roles in. We will be left to make sense of a senseless act.  We need to process, question, cry, get angry and even experience the 5 stages of grief.

And then there comes a day when we will eventually come back to the holy work of forgiving. Of understanding, of accepting, of moving on without forgetting the lessons we learned.  

For at the end of the day we know not the Divine plan, purpose or role of those who betray us.

And we all deserve the mercy and experience of unconditional love, non-judgemental acceptance and complete forgiveness. We have to learn to take the high road and along the way drop the baggage that weighs us down and was never our doing in the first place.

Read last week’s article about the Passover and revolutionary freedom here

The Greatest Revolutionary Story About Fighting for Freedom – The Uncoiled

Read about Easter here

Easter – Wikipedia

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The Greatest Revolutionary Story About Fighting for Freedom Sat, 27 Mar 2021 12:59:09 +0000

This time of year, always finds me tapping into the archetypal energies of The Exodus & Passover, which is the oldest and most transformative story of hope ever told. It tells how an otherwise undistinguished group of slaves found their way to freedom from the greatest and longest-lived empire of their time, indeed of any time. It tells the revolutionary story of how Supreme Power intervened in history to liberate the hopeless & powerless.

It also seems like a one-time event. Exodus simply defined is a mass departure of people. Could this be what we are experiencing now as a modern generation with modern plagues – a mass departure of souls from the planet with little conscious choice in the matter?

Looking at the facts from the disappearance of ancient civilizations to millions of refugees desperately fleeing their countries, the revolutionary story and lessons of the Exodus are as relevant today as ever.

There are many themes surrounding the circumstances and event leading up to the Exodus we can pick out – hope, courage, faith, liberation, there is also entrapment, suffering, sorrow and death.

We know the story takes place in ancient Egypt, we have a so-called hero (Moses), the underdog archetype and a ruthless leader archetype (Pharaoh) at play, with thousands of enslaved victim archetypes (Israelites) supporting the scene. If we look around at the world today, not much has changed. We have governments, parliaments and presidents paying lip-service to the masses with little intention of truly changing the system. As long as the pyramids are getting built, the elite turn a blind eye to the suffering and human atrocities taking place in the everyday life of those less fortunate.

Who actually takes the credit for the building of the greatest civilizations …

It is interesting to note in the story, that Pharaoh’s heart is actually hardened to the plight of the Israelites, and only when his own life is directly affected then he begins to understand that suffering and retribution come to find all who think they are immune. Many today see compassion and empathy towards others as weak, whereas nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing grander and more noble than an open generous heart in times like these and forevermore.

The world operates on the mentality of if I give something away then there will not be enough for me. Yet how could you give away too many smiles, too much warmth, too much love. Is it ever enough?

Egypt is a place that chains you to who you are, constraining you from growth, making it impossible to change. And Pharaoh is that voice inside that mocks your attempts to escape, saying ‘how could you attempt being today something you were not yesterday? You aren’t good enough; who do you think you are? You have no power, no voice to make a difference.’

Moses is the liberator, the infinite force deep within, the courageous heart that still fears and feels weak yet moves forward; fighting for what is right. The force of Moses drives the spirit that transcends and connects with that Supreme power when all seems lost. He has crushing moments of self -doubt, despair, hopelessness and a fair dose of self-esteem issues. Could he not represent any one of us on any given day?

Above all, Moses teaches fervent faith in a future that is unknown. Like Moses we have to be prepared to leave it all behind, in order to follow a higher calling and liberate ourselves in the process.

Another interesting concept is that of The Promised Land, a place where dreams are fulfilled, wishes are granted and all hardship is erased. This is not quite the truth though, for we all know that once we have reached that goal, or fulfilled a lifelong dream, there is still a longing for the next best thing that resides within us that doesn’t just go away. We don’t get to sit around all day eating ice cream while life and its duties takes care of itself. Let us not forget that Moses and the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years in search of the Promised Land. And even then, most did not get to experience the destination.

The Revolutionary Story of The Promised Land

The Promised Land & liberation are not static elements that wait patiently for us. We do not arrive and then never have to do the work again.  Every time you push your own limits, exceed your own expectations- you reach the Promised Land. Every time you live & work for the greater good – you reach the Promised Land. Every time you break free from the person you didn’t want to be in the day before – you reach the Promised Land. The sheer amount of courage and faith this takes is astounding!  

The good news is your freedom lies in knowing you can defy Pharaoh any time, it just takes courage, consciousness and a little bit a throw caution to the wind attitude.

Imagine what could open up for you in your life, like the Red Sea parted for Moses, when you are willing to risk it all on your soul’s calling. This is when miracles start showing up, when we listen to God, our inner voice, the Divine – call it what you will, but it is a voice and prompting that cannot be denied.

Freedom, redemption, community, empowered conscious leadership – all of these embody the story of Exodus in our history books. Perhaps though, if anything, it provides a living symbol of hope. And what could we need more than anything right now.

Risk following your soul’s calling to bring miracles into your life.

May those celebrating this season, whether for religious purposes or simply allowing the profound archetypal forces to do their work on us, and may we find all find the liberation we seek.

Passover – Wikipedia

The Exodus – Wikipedia

For last week’s Ode to Autumn, go here Beloved Autumn Speak to my Heart This Season – The Uncoiled

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THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD BE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF A MENTOR, A COACH, OR AN INFLUENCER Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:47:55 +0000 This story will help you understand why you need to follow a mentor, a coach, or an influencer to get noticed. These days as I relax on my sofa reminiscing some of the things that happened when I was going to university, it makes me laugh or think deeply, even make some connections with my online business. This story happened when I was twenty-two. It was like yesterday. That day, I was shocked by the thousands of people who gathered in that big hall happily waiting for the ceremony to start. As we all know, if you are small or young, your head is full of ideas, dreams and careers, and amazing choices.

For me, I was interested in arts, engineering, construction, writing, etc. I wanted to do all these things together trying to connect them with my young mind. Just like Jack of all trades and master of all. Did it work for me as innocently planned? No, it didn’t. I failed so woefully. I hope you start thinking of your own situation. Feel to liberate your imagination. As you are plunging deep into your imagination, I will invite you to put yours with me. Now, just imagine that you were seated in that large conference room like me that day. This room was packed out with almost big names, renowned businessmen and women, and seasoned professionals. The energy and vibe in the hall were vibrant and desirable even enviable. Almost immediately, you noticed a nice, good-looking person climbing up the stage.

As the podium light flooded the floor the young man’s silhouette was now clear enough to be a young man. Unfortunately, there was a problem? You were asking who he was and what at all had he come to do there. The truth is that his name had never clung into your ears, neither mentioned. You started wondering if he was a TV, radio presenter, or on any other media platform. But, the reaction from others in the hall confirmed your assumptions and deductions. They were strongly validated. No one knew this young man. .In fact, the conversation and murmurs that were going on, showed clearly that he was unwanted there. The handsome young man who nobody knew picked up the microphone and started promoting his software. He talked, rambled for almost thirty minutes trying to convince and persuade the audience to patronize his new finding. Of course, people were bored to death. No positive reaction from the public. Finally, he exited the podium and his silhouette faded into the audience..

.Just after, John Obidi one of the most influential young men in Africa walked straight to the podium. As he was climbing up the steps, the boredom in the room immediately gave way to stand ovation and clapping. John Obidi then went ahead to do a short presentation and gladly introduced the same new software that the young man was fighting to push on the audience. He strongly encouraged them to purchase it. Now, I have a question for you. Who do you think will collect more sales after the ceremony? The fine, handsome young man or John Obidi? I think your answer will pair with mine.

John Obidi draws more people to him than the boy. But isn’t the same software? Yes, it is, but the difference lies in the person who presented it. The young man was unknown, not liked maybe, or not trusted. The second one, John Obidi was known, liked, and trusted. Consequently, he will draw massive attention and turn the audience into buyers. That’s why I am saying that if you are a newbie, following well-established, renowned and mentors will draw you closer to your goals.

If you follow them, you will be noticed, eventually liked, and trusted. You will get more clarity into turning your passion, experience, knowledge, talent, into a profitable business that generates cash on demand. Yes, they will pave the way for you.

Join their groups, attend their Masterclass or webinar. Make valuable contributions or comments on their posts. Show them that you are coming up and rightly following their footsteps. You will definitely be noticed one day and they by all means notify it to know in the long run. When they start to shout in out your name in their Webinars, training, mastermind, or Masterclass, you will be noticed ad notified


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10 Amazing Lucrative Online Skills You Can Start On Your Own Today! Mon, 22 Mar 2021 15:34:17 +0000 In this article, you will learn about the different lucrative online skills that are essential in today’s world.

It’s a sad fact that over 12% of the world’s population, are unemployed and 10% out of the unemployed percentage, are doing nothing. That is to say, they are not unemployed, they are jobless. No means of getting anything cash.

Considering the current trend in the world today which is economic recession, many experts have actually held conferences upon conferences on how to tackle economic recession issues mostly in the business sectors; a neglected issue has been the tackling of the unemployment stigma in society.

These unemployed persons keep making search engines their best friends. For what?, you may ask.

Well the never-ending search on how to make money online, “is a never-ending search engine trend” of these set of people. They try to take advantage of today’s technology to see if they can make life easier for themselves.

Thanks to the internet, there are offline and online means of getting to pay. Getting paid here simply refers to the provision of services in exchange for the monetary value of the rendered service.

Thanks to the same internet, a lot of people still get confused when it comes to selecting an online business category or if we are to go by internet terms “niche”. This is because they seem to only get to see the “juicy parts” of those niches without bothering to know if there exist the” thorny aspects”. For the ones that later discover the thorny sides, their confusion levels further increase. And this is one thing that makes them try this and that until they reach an end of the road section and begin to wail.

The first step to follow in trying to strive in business is to actually check out what you are good at, then enhance it, and bam!!, you are on your first step. It may not be easy, but it is very much advisable to do so.

Nonetheless, I have handpicked a list of lucrative businesses or “niches” you can start with today and you will get results as soon as possible. I didn’t put a number tag to the post title like 50 Lucrative…., this is because there is room for further research, brainstorming, and update.

I must warn that starting an online business is not as easy as it seems to be when you tend to hear about the earnings of someone who may be earning a five-figure monthly or yearly income as the case may be. It is difficult in its early stages and needs a lot of hard work, in fact being an employee is much easier than running an online business because, you must try your possible best to always keep up with trends, especially in the category you belong to. As far as you decide to involve yourself or your business with the internet, you must be on your toes at all times.

Please note I didn’t give a specific time frame. I am not going to promise you something that is pure fiction but, something worthwhile based on research, extra reading, and application.

The below-handpicked business categories are in no order of importance, as well, you should choose one or two you are good at. They are more or less what I call professional online businesses.

Every day, new websites pop up. Sometimes these websites are a result of new companies, already existing companies that want to reach out to the world, schools, celebrities, etc. If you are a good web designer, you can start this as a side business if you are working or as a full-time business, if you tend to make a living out of it. There are online platforms to learn web design like Udemy and Treehouse that can teach you a lot about web design if you are a novice or you want to up your skills. There is also web design software that makes web design as easy as snapping your fingers: Softwares like WebPage Maker, Web Easy, Xara Web design Software, and a host of others.

Article Writing.

Everything on the internet now requires writing. A lot of people earn a full-time income from writing articles alone. If you are a pro in writing, then you can visit freelance writing sites and forums or sites that pay writers to write in order to get paid after writing. Twitter and LinkedIn are equally two handy tools that come into the minds of article writers who wish to make an honest living from article writing.

Real Estate Consultant.

With almost everyone in the world today buying and selling properties, a lot of opportunities are open to experts who know how to handle financial, commercial, and legal real estate aspects. A website can actually be run by a professional real estate consultant, who may even end up being a coach to fresh real estate consultants.


What are you passionate about? What drives your subconscious? If you can pinpoint this, then you need to start a blog. The persistent increase in the knowledge base level of life and its activities is blogging. (Uhm, that’s my definition though). You can create a blog solely with the aim of covering that topic which is your passion. It could be a hobby, but can eventually start paying you handsomely when you hit it right.

Graphics Design.

With the advent of new businesses that require stunning graphics to exist, graphics design is one of the best online businesses to start. But hey! you may scale on the 40 -45% rating when it comes to graphics design, you can visit YouTube to watch “how to design —– with adobe photoshop or adobe illustrator”. It’s left for you to pick one. There is other graphic design software out there; like Corel Draw,, etc.

Online Coaching.

Just like blogging, what are you passionate and skilled about that, you can place yourself as a coach for others to learn from?. With the combination of expert skill and passion, you can offer online one-on-one coaching. All you need to do is to have a properly structured plan for putting your skills and experience to work by developing an online coaching business.

Social Media Manager.

Many of us usually spend 60% of our daily time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and LinkedIn, to mention but a few, it’s a good thing though. I mean having the ability to possess or harness a multitude of followers on social media is not an easy thing especially if you are advanced in age say in the age bracket of the 50s and above, you will need to actually “go to a social media skill school”. But that’s not the case for young fellows who within the twinkle of an eye, garner social media presence without breaking a sweat. Why not get paid for your social media skills? There are startup companies that need to make their presence known globally and social media is the major and basic platform for such a launch. Flexjobs and CareerBuilder are places where you can find such opportunities.

E-book Writing.

With the advent of technology and the e-world, writing and publishing your own books, are as easy as writing and uploading. Packaging your skills and knowledge into a downloadable eBook that delivers valuable content to those seeking to learn a skill, advance in their careers, or start their own businesses, makes for a strong value proposition if you target the right audience.

App Development.

These days, there seems to be an app for everything. Be it on the iOS platform, Android OS, Windows OS, or Linux OS, there’s a catch here to always earn from those platforms, if you are yet to get international with your coding skills, now is the best time. Just make sure you get your hands dirty enough before getting clients.

Teaching DIYs and E-courses.

Everyone these days wants to be able to solve most of their issues themselves without paying a dime to anyone, for instance, I learned my web design skills from YouTube without having to pay someone $200 for something he or she may not be able to deliver properly when it comes to my taste. If you a pro at something, why not start an e-course site like Udemy or create a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) site with a monetization strategy of making available quality-not-so-complete content for the free or basic plan, then create the complete version as a premium affordable content?.


These days working-class folks find it difficult to walk into physical stores to purchase their needs. As well most products these physical stores sell, are actually purchased online and shipped to them. Some people (myself included) research products they intend to buy in terms of reviews, price, and durability. All these are made possible via e-commerce. It’s either you start up your own micro e-commerce site; which entails sales of a particular category of products like apparel, body accessories, electronics, or anything that comes to mind. (I chose micro e-commerce sites due to the ambiguous and stressful nature of starting a mega e-commerce site where you sell everything sell-able) or you can actually look for existing e-commerce sites that allow third-party sellers. In this case, all you need to do is to source for your CHEAP and QUALITY goods from CREDIBLE sources. The bold words are very important in the e-commerce business, miss them and miss out.

Affiliate Marketing.

I know you’d say in your mind, ‘urggh!! here we go again, can’t we go a day on the internet without hearing affiliate marketing’?. Well be a hater of the fact or not, there are people who have their major income stream or financial breakthrough from affiliate marketing. This simply means the selling of someone else’s product for an agreed commission rate to be paid to you when people buy those products from the link you provide. If you play your cards well, you will be on your way to liberation from unemployment issues.

Online businesses never got better, with the way global economic crisis keep springing up, self-employment is the key surviving instinct that will keep many going.

ACTION TAKERS, Where are you? Which one are going to start today?

Do you need help and assistance for anyone of them to scale it up and take it online in order to start making money?

Which one do you want to learn now if you don’t have the requisite skills for it?

I want to hear from now.

Take ACTION. Take Action. Take Action

Thank you for reading!


Other helpful Articles for beginners.

Did you know? The Uncoiled is coming out with its first Magazine issue in August 2021. Click here to learn how you can contribute and be a part of this journey with us.

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Mentoring Women- Why is it important? Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:00:28 +0000 ‘Mentoring women is to support and encourage them to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be’. 

Each of us needs a confidante, someone who believes in us, someone who can assure we have the ability to defy all odds and approve of our risky decisions. But, why especially women?

Humans are born with a skillset that requires nourishing environment where it can showcase its talents and bloom out of the insecurities. But what happens when the skillset is enforced and a person is trained to serve a purpose for the sake of others but themselves; when submissive attitude is encouraged, what kind of a person evolves?

Timid Women- That’s who.

The idea of teaching young girls to be ambitious, to own themselves, to be fierce leaders is a rebellious one. It threatens the authority of those who have continuously fed on the notion that women exist to cater the needs of others. It is not easy to break the toxic cycle of suppression, unlearn what you have been taught since the dawn of time and come out on top owning your individuality.

Society often does not like women in a position of power and fancy the belief that a CEO, a politician, a firm manager, a judge, is supposed to be a man. Why is that when women hold positions of power, they are deemed ‘too much’, ‘getting out of hand’, and ‘straying away from the right path’?

But what actually is the right path and who determines it? Is it the same for men and women, both? Does the society’s defined right path benefit both men and women or it is a trap to make women believe they’re nothing but care takers?

“The idea that a woman can be as powerful as a man is something that our society can’t deal with. But I am as powerful as a man and it drives them crazy.”
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , a freshman Democrat from New York in a recent interview with The New Yorker.

What makes women like Ocasio-Cortez aware of their flare?

What makes women realize that the sky was never the limit but their mindset?

Who educates women to undo the effect of years of submissive schooling and helps restore faith in themselves?

Mentors- that’s what they do.

They make young girls believe that there’s a possibility for them. They guide to reclaim the potential women already possess but have long forgotten in complying with the norms of society.

Mentors can help women change perceptions that their role is not what society confined them to, that they can be themselves and yet as competent as their male counterparts. Many women feel under-appreciated when their talents are not recognized. The fear of not being enough drives them to back off from their goals, that is exactly when a mentor comes to the rescue. A mentor celebrates their talents while continuously assisting them in developing their skills.

How mentoring women can change the course of the world?

Mentoring women boost their confidence and help them advance into leadership positions. When the perspective changes, the way women view themselves change. From a compliant attitude to an assertive one, a mentor makes efficient competent leaders.

Mentorship can provide women with a safe space to openly discuss their ambitions, acknowledge their talents, and overcome challenges to not only recognize their worth by effectively maintaining peace within to not crumble upon the criticism. Furthermore, to maintain the stance for their beliefs without being clouded by the doubts of the society.

Into the bargain, mentoring is a source of empowerment as it uplifts confidence through improved skills and developed leadership competencies.

When women are conscious of their capability, constructive energy flows, their ideas change the course of the world and strengthen them to face the consequences of their decisions. When women learn to be enough for themselves, a better society comes together as a whole.

And this is possible only through mentoring women.

The question is not why mentoring women is important.
The question is why NOT?

More by this author at
See She Innovates Campaign at

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Ever had a week of chaos where as soon as you managed to close one of the 500 tabs in your brain another would pop up? It reminds me of the childhood board game ‘Whack-A- Mole’. I would rather not whack anything – ok if I am being honest, I could probably whack my neighbour every night around 1am when they decide to rearrange the furniture, but then again that is not very ‘neighbourly’ is it.

It also brings me to another conversation I had this week about how chaotic our lives can get. And while I try to choose my words carefully the word chaos is the perfect fit for my days at the moment. Now being in the ‘deeper plunge’ game for a while, I do have the knowledge and tools that should keep me calm when the hurricane blows through. Yet combined with the very fiery energies at the moment it has not been possible to remain calm as the cabin lake on a clear cloudless morning.

That being said, if we look around us, especially at our greatest teacher – Mother Nature – then things fall right back into place – thank goodness! For ultimately without chaos, we have no chance at evolution. The clear cool calm lake would become stagnant, rotten and depleted without some sort of ‘movement’ introduced into its ecosystem. Hence the smallest microbe, fish and environmental factor plays their part in introducing the movement or ‘chaos’ needed to sustain itself.

Another great example of chaos in nature is cloud formation – only formed by the turbulence of elements ‘clashing’ and adjusting to each other, the tides of the ocean and snow flake crystallization are also good examples of this.

I also realised that chaos is part of the creative process, which so many acclaimed and very ordinary ‘creatives’, philosophers and sages have spoken of through the ages.

One of the most famous quotes about this comes from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche which states ‘One must have chaos within oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star’. The philosopher had one of the most fascinating lives and minds and could very well have been onto a great key to life when he shared his revolutionary ideas with the world.

From great minds to the battlefields of life, if you have ever participated in war or watched movies themed around battle you know very well what the outer manifestation of chaos looks like. The frenzy, crazed, irrationality of humans which propagate senseless violence and abuse. The slaughtered remains left behind on the landscape to rot.

When we are experiencing chaos in our lives it depicts a very desperate attempt to try and gain control again, sometimes at any cost. And we too may leave others beaten and bloodied on the battlefield, while we crawl towards a better tomorrow – which may or may not arrive.

The revered Hindu goddess Kali – Ma, often known as the Dark Mother – comes to life for me when I think of this destruction and upheaval. But she too is often misunderstood. For while she is many things to many people, she is actually like a fierce protective mother who wants the best for us and will sometimes be ‘cruel to be kind’.

She will strip away all the toxic, distasteful, wasteful aspects of ourselves. She can sweep through our lives like a tornado, leaving little in her wake and leaving us disoriented, confused, empty, broken and alone. She does this not because she wants us to remain in this sorry state, she does this because she wants us to get back up again and start over with more strength, wisdom and clarity – she wants growth.

She wants your potential to shine and when it is layered with so many illusions of ego and dirt, she has no choice but to visit chaos on your life so you will wake up and evolve!

So, if I allow myself the space to sit still and quieten down for a moment -especially when I think I don’t have a moment to spare – that is when the chaos can start shifting into something else. The creative process definitely has a life of its own, but it also needs a little helping hand once in a while.

If we continue stirring the pot, we either land up spilling the contents, burning ourselves with splatters or dissolving the contents down to nothing.  If we continue to let the chaos be our master and follow it blindly, we will burn out before we can breakthrough.

As Nietzsche discovered, yes, we do need it, but to create the dancing and dazzling star we also need space to allow it it’s time and place to shine.

For now, I will continue to honour these crazy cycles that visit my life every so often and keep an eye out for Kali -Ma so she feels welcome at my table and doesn’t have to break down the door again!

‘God of Chaos’ asteroid plummeting towards Earth | Witness (

Friedrich Nietzsche – Wikipedia

Kali – Wikipedia

To read one of my letters to the unseen click below

To Those Who Clean Up After Our Dirty Business – The Uncoiled

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