Zainab Sharif – The Uncoiled Celebrating Limitlessness Tue, 11 May 2021 03:10:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Zainab Sharif – The Uncoiled 32 32 Depression- Does it look different in women? Sat, 08 May 2021 21:03:14 +0000

This mother’s day, The Uncoiled is shedding light on how women are affected by depression.

Did you know? Depression is a fairly common condition. More than 264 million people in the world suffer from depression, according to the World Health Organization, and many of those people are parents — moms and dads with rich families. Though the media often portrays those who suffer from depression as loners, the fact is that depression knows no bounds. It is unconstrained and unbounded.

Depression affects women especially mothers in various ways. They miss out on many happy times and unique experiences with their children as a result of their depression.

Depression Affects 1 Out Of Every 10 Women!

Depression affects many women in various forms, ranging from clinical and seasonal depression to postpartum depression and bipolar disorder. In fact, women are more likely than men to be affected by depression. Women are almost twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression, according to statistics. The cause of the discrepancy is unknown. Some research claim that hormonal shifts are to blame, while others claim that living conditions and societal stressors are to blame.

The trigger, on the other hand, is unimportant. What matters is how we help, assist, and handle people who suffer from depression.

Certain Types Of Depression Are Unique To Women.

Although depression affects people of all races, sexes, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds, women are more susceptible to certain forms of depression. For example, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a serious form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that affects women in the weeks leading up to menstruation.

Depression Looks Different In Women Than It Does In Men.

The signs and symptoms of depression are well-known. Depression, for example, is characterised by feelings of grief, hopelessness, helplessness, or apathy. Agitation and sleep disturbances are also common, as is a loss of interest in daily activities. People who suffer from depression tend to sleep excessively or not at all. However, some depression symptoms are more common in women than in men.

“Women and men feel depression differently,” Dr Richelle Whittaker — an educational psychologist specializing in maternal mental health.

Women often report a lack of enthusiasm, diminished interest in favourite hobbies, changes in sleeping or eating habits, and/or a general feeling of depression, hopelessness, remorse, worthlessness, or helplessness. Concentration problems are also normal, as are suicidal thoughts.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to show signs of anger or provocation. They’re much more likely to partake in high-risk activities like drinking and driving or increasing their alcohol consumption.

Depression Can Be Treated.

If you’re depressed, keep in mind that you’re not alone. You’re not crazy, and you’re not by yourself. There is reason to be hopeful: depression is treatable. You can and should seek help from a counsellor, psychologist, therapist, trusted physician, community leader, and/or friends. If you think you’re depressed, speak to your doctor or seek support from a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.

How To Help Someone Suffering From Depression?

Although it’s difficult to see someone you care for in pain, there’s a lot you can do to help. Do not hesitate to inquire about your loved one’s feelings on a regular basis.

Listen to them without feeling embarrassed, judged, or stigmatised. Keep the remarks like “but you have so much to be happy about” to yourself.

Don’t attempt to repair them because you won’t be able to. Give empathy and companionship instead.

Make plans to get your significant other out of the house. Take a stroll with them, have lunch with them, organise get-togethers, and so on. Provide transportation to and from counselling. It’s not about what you do; it’s about how persistent and present you are.

Also, inquire as to what they want. They may not have a response — at least not right away — but as someone who has struggled with depression for many years, I can assure you: Just being there helps.

Read more by this author on mental health

Visit to know how gender affects women’s mental health.

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Unexpressed emotions- The tears I had all life kept Sun, 18 Apr 2021 09:49:24 +0000 Emotions: strong feelings deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings/emotions of another.
How empaths experience emotions and how mere emotions can help them slip into eternal peace?

“You see, I never wrote it down. I never talked it out”, I’d slid into my sheets, my eternal comfort zone, my bed; where I’d lie mentally paralysed and nobody would ask why.

“I am not angry,” I used to tell myself. I wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable yet I felt like they were too ignorant to realise I’m merely a human being just like them. Maybe they did, or maybe they did not. It didn’t affect me for he blessed me with an understanding heart. And because of that, I’d always come to the conclusion that their things are worse than mine or maybe, maybe God sent me to heal all the broken ones and what could be better than him choosing me for the purpose?

Yet, I had broken down at times. Not because of the overwhelming burden I had on my shoulders or the storm that I kept inside, but because of the lack of compassion, the lack of empathy, and the lack of humanity I witnessed on daily basis. I’d see men telling to man up, to get up and go face the reality and then, I’d see feminists advocating that it is totally okay to cry.

It was not a war with men or women. Or how their biology worked. Or how the world portrayed it. It was my war. A war within myself. I didn’t want to win. I only wanted to know if it had ended. I loved battling the insides and maybe, maybe at that point I was a bit tired and I only wanted to know the results. I hated that I’d get tired at times.

I hated that I wasn’t living up to what God sent me for. If I was sent for them, who did he send for me? I didn’t hate giving, but in moments like those, when I’d think I have almost won the war, I’d go back, exit the battle zone and go looking for myself for I knew I had lost myself somewhere in the war. That’s when they’d get raged. I didn’t mind that. But the labels that came like bullets, the selfish and egocentric, the ungrateful and the unkind, the sleepyhead and the dramatist, the attention seeker and the oh-so-loves-self-pity; would open up my wounds like anything and I’d get back on my feet, run back to the battleground, witness their injuries and tell myself “You have to be strong for them!”.

But did they ever realize I was one of them and that I wasn’t fighting for them rather we were fighting for us? For mankind that had long forgotten God-like virtues. Their silence killed me. Their ignorance ate my insides. I didn’t need their shoulder to lean on. I didn’t need their sympathy. I didn’t need their support for I knew we were all slaves to one Lord. I didn’t bow down to them, I bowed down to their King.

But often at times, when I’d hit rock bottom, I’d ask myself where do all this strength come from? I was a strong believer that unexpressed emotions do not die, they’re buried alive and come forth later in uglier ways. Yet, I was unable to cry. My chest would feel heavy as I’d put my head to sleep, I would feel tears tying a knot in my throat. I’d feel a storm coming but it never came. I waited, and waited, and waited for it but I always fell asleep without ever experiencing it.

I used to wonder, where do all the emotions go? Do we really explode one day or do we carry them to our graves? Now that I lie under this mud, my body wrapped in white with grace, I realize he never sent someone for me. For he was the one, for he is the one. For he understands and calls upon his beloveds. They come by and build my tomb, talking about how surprising it was for I showed no sign. Oh, in the same times, in the same skin, what do they mean by it? As they sit and let out their cries, I realize these are my tears that they’re crying. Glory to the Lord who didn’t let me break down in front of them. He knew they wouldn’t realize my worth for I don’t bow down to them, I bow down to their King.

Unexpressed Emotions- The tears I had all life kept:

I rest my head for eternal sleep, the lines; noted down with a bruised but not a broken heart, written in a very unthoughtful way, disappear in the cemetery, for they didn’t deserve to know, for her worth was not that low, as they read:

Kept things to myself

For the people around

Needed me for themselves

Buried emotions deep down

And didn’t let the storm out

I told myself every day

Stay strong, bae

For the ignorant never understood

For not everyone was kind

So I went to sleep without crying

Thinking when will I let this out

Waited for someone who understood

Until finally I met my beloved

As I lay deep under the ground

The mud covering my corpse

I realize he was the one,he is the one

As they come by and sit on my tomb

And cry their hearts out

For I have gone

For I never looked like I would be gone

I realize this was it, this is it

These are my tears that they shed

The tears I had all life kept

More by this author at
Read on mental health at

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Economy Crisis post-COVID-19; what is the need of the hour? Fri, 09 Apr 2021 20:29:02 +0000
COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the global economy and financial markets, in addition to being a global pandemic and public health problem. The disease control policies that have been introduced in many countries have resulted in significant wage declines, increased unemployment, and disruption in the transportation, service, and manufacturing sectors, to name a few. 

The virus has not only been a public health emergency, but it has also had an economic impact on the world. Reduced productivity, loss of life, business closures, trade disruption, and the annihilation of the tourism industry have

all had significant economic consequences around the world.

The economic impact of the pandemic has been heterogeneous across the countries’ income distribution, in addition to marked health disparities, particularly in countries without universal healthcare coverage. It has been apparent as the health and human toll surged, and it proved to be the world’s greatest economic shock in decades.

The pandemic has caused and will continue to cause substantial damage to humanity. Unprecedented progress in global health over the last 20 years has halted, and economic growth has already plummeted, resulting in a global recession the likes of which we haven’t seen since World War II.

Deep recessions caused by the pandemic are projected to leave long-term scars leading to decreased investment, human capital

erosion related to lost jobs and education, and disruption of global trade and supply chains.

The pace at which the crisis has engulfed the global economy may provide insight into the depth of the recession. The rapid pace of global growth forecast downgrades suggests that more downward revisions are possible, as well as the need for additional policy intervention by policymakers in the coming months to support economic activity.  

Despite the previous certainty that the threats of the present and future — the climate, rising inequality, and extremism — necessitated massive international coordination, all remained the same, with populist and incompetent leadership exacerbating nationalist feelings about the planetary common good.

Most governments around the world underestimated the risks of rapid COVID-19 spread and have been particularly disruptive in their crisis response. Since disease outbreaks are unlikely to go away real soon, multilateral action is needed to save lives while also safeguarding economic prosperity.

COVID-19 may be a “wake-up” call for world leaders to come together in facing the global challenges.

Health Crisis, New World Order and Global Shifts; What is the need of the hour?

New World Order or not; some things needs to be changed.

The world after COVID-19 is unlikely to be the same as it was before. The effect of the pandemic is exacerbating many trends already underway in the global economy.  Choices made during crises, as history has proven, will affect the world for decades. The need for collective action to create economies that produce sustainable economic development, stability, and protection for everyone will remain crucial.

The acknowledgement that the old order will not be restored and that any attempts to do so will be futile. If we accept this, then this tragic virus may force us to address the planet’s lack of a sense of community. Depending on the decisions taken in the coming days and months, it may be the midwife of better global and local systems that emerge stronger to face the challenges.

Decisions taken now would have far-reaching consequences.  In order to offer equal consideration to the needs and rights of the two-thirds of the world’s population who live in the Global South, power imbalances in global institutions must be reversed.

The crisis emphasizes the need for immediate action to mitigate the pandemic’s health and economic effects, protect vulnerable communities, and pave the way for a long-term recovery. Strengthening public health systems, addressing the challenges raised by informality, and drafting legislation are essential for emerging market and developing countries, many of which face challenging vulnerabilities.

The greatest chance of achieving public health strategies and facilitating a robust global recovery is through global collaboration and cooperation—both of the steps required to diminish the pandemic’s effect and economic efforts are needed to alleviate the economic harm, including international funding.

SHARAN BURROW, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, reflects:

Our goal for recovery should be full employment and a new social contract. Public investment in the care economy, education, and low-carbon infrastructure can form the backbone of stimulus that reduces inequality. Wage policy, collective bargaining, and labour market regulation can revive demand and income while putting an end to a business model that allows companies to take no responsibility for their workers.

Debt should be addressed through a relief process focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and enduring economic growth for every country. Shortsighted fiscal consolidation hindered debt management and reduction after the global financial crisis and would again leave us even less able to deal with future health and economic crises.

Shared prosperity can be the fruit of a COVID-19 world marked by shared ambition and global solidarity.

What will the world look like after COVID-19? Many of the issues we will face in the next ten years will simply be more severe versions of those we already face. Only if we plan to take steps to address these issues and bring about systemic change, can the world look radically different this time.

The most critical takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of collaborating on issues that concern the entire mankind.

We are much stronger united than divided.

A shared future is not only preferable to a lonely one when making future decisions; it also implies that there is no future if it is not shared.

Read how six prominent thinkers reflect on how the pandemic has changed the world:

Read the author’s take on the loss of human essentials due to COVID-19:

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Are boys really better at sports? Sun, 04 Apr 2021 08:38:14 +0000 Are boys really better at sports or do we withhold opportunities from girls because we inhale stereotypes and exhale sexism?

“No, she can’t catch the ball, let me have it instead”.

I sat there baffled when I heard two kids of 5 and 7 years of age playing around while I took a break at my workplace.

My colleague got involved and the kids started playing ‘throw and catch” with him. The elder brother, being 7, was pro at it but when it came to his little sister, she was hesitant.

“No, I can’t catch it!”, she threw the ball back at my colleague.

“What else do you play?” I asked her.

“I only play girl games, I don’t play as my brother does. He likes cars and he can play with the ball..but you know..”,
she paused for a while and then lifted her brows, trying to make sure I’m understanding her.

“You know those cooking and dressing games? I play those!”

“Wow, that’s nice! Do you want to play with the ball for now?” I asked her.

“I can’t! I’m a girl!”, she began asking me for my phone so she could play games on it.

My colleague looked at me and I knew what it meant. He was as shocked as I. It was surprising to know that kids as young as just 5 and 7 are being fed that they can’t play a certain sport because it is not meant for their gender.

“C’mon! Why can’t you play?” my colleague got her to play and she gradually learnt how to do it. I saw her face beaming with pride as she caught the ball in both her hands, she ran around excitedly and eventually got heed of the game.

My heart swelled with contentment when I witnessed what little it took to change the perception of a little girl and how something this tiny could be an obstacle in her future endeavours but in a matter of minutes, she was on the field playing her heart out.

A little dose of a confidence boost. That’s all it took.

Try to keep up!

Are boys really better at sports?

Nature or Nurture?

I know there’s nature. Boys and girls are biologically different and they have certain feminine and masculine traits that distinguish them.

I know there’s a choice. Young girls can choose to play dress up games. Young boys can choose to play racing games. But why is that when it is the other way around we lose our minds?

Can young boys not choose to play dress up games? Can young girls not choose to play racing cars?

Are sports and games really gender-specific?

It is not nature. It is not a choice. It is nurtured.

How are we raising our kids today? Are we raising them to live up to made-up societal standards or are we raising them to be who they really want to be?

How many young girls had to let go of their dreams when they were told “You can’t because you are a girl?”

How many young boys had to bury their passion when they were told “You can’t because you are a boy?”

As my colleague caught the ball from the air, he smiled at me and exclaimed “I’m a born athlete!”

It made me really think how young boys and men have the privilege; the privilege to have access to safe public spaces, the privilege to have trainers without the fear of being sexually harassed, the privilege of being born a male and told you can play this sport because you are a boy, the privilege to get the apt guidance and training at such a young age, and If I keep on counting the privileges on my keypad, it would give up.

In my 23 years of life, every time I have told a guy that I am into sports and football is my favourite game, they have proceeded to ask, “okay then what is an offside rule?”

Really? The audacity.

You stop young girls from playing outside, you do not let them pursue their dreams, you do not allow them access to training grounds because after all, sports are not for women, right? You mock them when they come to you for guidance, you pass sexist remarks when they struggle on the field and yet, after enjoying all the privileges, you have the audacity to question their passion for their favourite game?

So, are boys really better at sports or do we withhold opportunities from girls because we inhale stereotypes and exhale sexism?

Get to learn more at
Did you know the author @zainab is from Pakistan?
You can learn about gender inequality there from a recent report at

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Mentoring Women- Why is it important? Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:00:28 +0000 ‘Mentoring women is to support and encourage them to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be’. 

Each of us needs a confidante, someone who believes in us, someone who can assure we have the ability to defy all odds and approve of our risky decisions. But, why especially women?

Humans are born with a skillset that requires nourishing environment where it can showcase its talents and bloom out of the insecurities. But what happens when the skillset is enforced and a person is trained to serve a purpose for the sake of others but themselves; when submissive attitude is encouraged, what kind of a person evolves?

Timid Women- That’s who.

The idea of teaching young girls to be ambitious, to own themselves, to be fierce leaders is a rebellious one. It threatens the authority of those who have continuously fed on the notion that women exist to cater the needs of others. It is not easy to break the toxic cycle of suppression, unlearn what you have been taught since the dawn of time and come out on top owning your individuality.

Society often does not like women in a position of power and fancy the belief that a CEO, a politician, a firm manager, a judge, is supposed to be a man. Why is that when women hold positions of power, they are deemed ‘too much’, ‘getting out of hand’, and ‘straying away from the right path’?

But what actually is the right path and who determines it? Is it the same for men and women, both? Does the society’s defined right path benefit both men and women or it is a trap to make women believe they’re nothing but care takers?

“The idea that a woman can be as powerful as a man is something that our society can’t deal with. But I am as powerful as a man and it drives them crazy.”
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , a freshman Democrat from New York in a recent interview with The New Yorker.

What makes women like Ocasio-Cortez aware of their flare?

What makes women realize that the sky was never the limit but their mindset?

Who educates women to undo the effect of years of submissive schooling and helps restore faith in themselves?

Mentors- that’s what they do.

They make young girls believe that there’s a possibility for them. They guide to reclaim the potential women already possess but have long forgotten in complying with the norms of society.

Mentors can help women change perceptions that their role is not what society confined them to, that they can be themselves and yet as competent as their male counterparts. Many women feel under-appreciated when their talents are not recognized. The fear of not being enough drives them to back off from their goals, that is exactly when a mentor comes to the rescue. A mentor celebrates their talents while continuously assisting them in developing their skills.

How mentoring women can change the course of the world?

Mentoring women boost their confidence and help them advance into leadership positions. When the perspective changes, the way women view themselves change. From a compliant attitude to an assertive one, a mentor makes efficient competent leaders.

Mentorship can provide women with a safe space to openly discuss their ambitions, acknowledge their talents, and overcome challenges to not only recognize their worth by effectively maintaining peace within to not crumble upon the criticism. Furthermore, to maintain the stance for their beliefs without being clouded by the doubts of the society.

Into the bargain, mentoring is a source of empowerment as it uplifts confidence through improved skills and developed leadership competencies.

When women are conscious of their capability, constructive energy flows, their ideas change the course of the world and strengthen them to face the consequences of their decisions. When women learn to be enough for themselves, a better society comes together as a whole.

And this is possible only through mentoring women.

The question is not why mentoring women is important.
The question is why NOT?

More by this author at
See She Innovates Campaign at

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Why Women Need to March! Women’s Day 2021 Sun, 07 Mar 2021 23:24:50 +0000 In 1910, women from 17 countries decided at the second International Socialist Women’s Conference to have an International Women’s Day to promote women’s rights around the world. Ever since then, 8 March has been celebrated as International Women’s Day.

It’s been years. Some progress has been made but it is very slow. We still witness women being oppressed. The crimes against women are being committed on daily basis but the criminals roam freely in front of our eyes; committing violence, torturing women, and what is being done by all of us? Nothing.

On 8th of March, every year, women celebrate their day but the freedom to do it is held back by the societal norms and cultural traditions that do not allow women to fully exercise their rights.

Every year, they raise their voice and march against injustice that is being carried out globally.

Why do women need to march?
Who are the people they speak up against?
Who are these criminals and why are they not held accountable for their sins?
Who are the people backing these criminals and defending them?
Are they really not guilty or years of systemic misogyny has conditioned the society into believing that the things they do are not crimes?
Are they from another planet or are they a product of the patriarchal societies we were born into?

If society was fair, would there be millions of women marching for their rights on International Women’s Day?

Do you want to ponder upon the reality or would you like to continue living in a fantasy bubble- that I hope really existed. It is incomprehensible as to why after two horrific World Wars, the rise and fall of democracy, many revolutions and movements, and several waves of feminism later; mankind is yet to witness a fair society where women need not step out on 8th March to speak up and demand what is supposed to be already theirs.

What kind of society do we live in that victims do not have allies, victims are the only ones speaking up and victims are the ones being shamed for demanding basic rights. Not just this, victims are made to shut up by using violence against them.

We do not live in an ideal world and making it one is not a possibility but the effort to achieve that, is still possible. That’s upon us.

Text Signage

What do we want to be? Allies or the spectators?
What do we want to do? Bring change or watch the world burn?

As a woman, I have witnessed it all. Why would I not be on my side? But, how about you? Would you support systemic misogyny or would you side with imperfect feminism?

If your answer begins with ‘but’, you have the answer to if society is really fair.

Who makes up a society? We do.

Are we fair to the to the women in our ideas and in our thoughts?

If not, what impact does it have on them in real-life?

If we are not fair to them in our head, imagine the plight of women who face it in real life, who are treated as second class citizens, as competitors, as inferiors, rather than fellow human beings.

If women marching on 8th March really bothers us, what are we doing to solve their issues?
What are we doing to meet their demands?
Who are the people these women march against and who are we protecting them from?
If all of this sounds ambiguous and nothing makes sense, ask yourself: what am I doing to fix this society and make it a safe place?

I know the idea of being woke and speaking up for rights has gotten mainstream. It now does not sound fancy and we are really bored with it. But think for a moment, are women’s lives really this insignificant that nobody cares enough to actually make a change?

What are we waiting for? Most men and women in power exploit others and as long as we as a community do not come together, nothing is going to happen.

Men need women and women need men. For the possibility of a change and to shift the world’s focus towards humans rights, it is the need of time to come together and work together to make a better society for us and for the coming generations.

Let’s prove to the world humanity is not a myth. Let’s make this world a safe space so no kid ever has to grow up and ask; If this society is really fair?

If not now, then when?

Join us in this holy cause. Hand in hand, we’ll bring positive change. One step at a time.

Women’s march and equality: a myth or reality?
find out in the coming series!


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For more by this author:

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Bila Unwan: a sigh Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:11:42 +0000 Bila Unwan translates to “Untitled” in the Urdu language. This post is a mixture of anger and grief stemming from patriarchy and society’s hypocrisy. It’s hard to put emotions that arise from injustice into one title.

I had realized this a long time ago, but with every day the realization gets more painful that for women to achieve anything in this world, they have to work twice as hard as men.

What I often observed in my surroundings while growing up was that boys were encouraged to study and go abroad, to give a certain test and strive for a specific post but when it came to girls, their role was limited. A good academic career was something for the parents to boast off but when it came to higher studies after Masters, it was too much for a girl. It was time for her to get married. Girls with ambitions were getting out of hand and were subjected to emotional torture to get settled with an average guy and serve him at home.

Being someone who comes from a conservative society, mostly where girls are seen as useless and someone just to be married off, I experienced everything. From going to courts, fighting for my legal rights to convincing the family that it’s okay to not choose the mainstream course- I failed many times.

I think we give too much credit to men for doing nothing, and when it comes to women, we don’t have much left. A woman with a good character or personality is the one who is ladylike, loves dressing up, is into makeup, knows about all the cosmetics and oh, not to forget she knows all about HumTv dramas and her favourite colour is pink! She is polite, caring, loves kids, and serves garam garam chapatis for the men in the house.

I do not think there’s anything wrong with that. What’s wrong is limiting our depiction of women only to this. To think that woman isn’t more than this, a woman can’t be more than this, a woman shouldn’t be more than this, is utterly wrong and ridiculous.

This perception of women is too deep-rooted into our society that God forbid, if a woman wants something other than this, she is not on the right track, is getting out of hands and feminism has ruined her.

I see women around me appreciating their male counterparts, acknowledging their efforts, speaking up for their rights, telling them it’s okay to be emotional, supporting and motivating them, but when it comes to the men, I rarely see them giving back half of what women in their lives do for them.

They ask me, why do you speak?

I ask them, why do you not?

I have yet to meet a man who is as supportive and as appreciative as the women in his lives are. In fact, they love to talk about all the problems in the world but when it comes to women, “oh it’s the usual whining”, “there’s no point talking to a feminist”. For them, the problem doesn’t exist at all. Why do you expect them to look for a solution? To be very honest, they themselves are the problem, if not; they’re a part of it.

I was compelled to write all of this down when today, I was telling my dad how I don’t want to go for a certain career like my sister did.

And he asked, why do you have to choose a different one? There’s no use. You have no idea about the world out there.

And I said, If I were your son, you would have supported me more than this. In fact, you would have invested all of your life savings in my career! To which he replied aggressively, don’t say that again! It’s not like that. I love you and I don’t see a difference if you were a guy!

Sometimes, it’s gets like that. My arguments with dad gets messy, overwhelming and aggressive.

I snapped back and said, why are you then maintaing ‘that difference’?

We are all so used to the patriarchal ways that nobody sees a problem with it. It would have been a surprise if my dad’s reply was any different.

“I trust you but I don’t trust the people out there, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to protect you the same way I now can!”

I know there are badly raised daughters out there. But I know there are more badly raised sons. Not to forget, the majority is authority. And the majority of men are bad.

My friends ask me, why do you hate men? I tell them I do not hate men. I am just angry, and maybe sad.

But I do hate bad men. And if you’re one of them, I hate you, too.

I see my male friends getting home around 3am, perfectly safe and at peace.

When I ask my female friends to hangout even at 5pm, there are so many concerns.

Ask a man and a woman what are they afraid of when they go out in their own country, as a free citizen, not doing any illegal activity.

Their reply will answer your questions.

I see men not allowing the women of their house to go on trips yet they themselves will go.

And if you talk to them about how women are being oppressed by men, not all men will be thrown in your face.

And if you ask them why do you not allow your sisters to go out then, they will tell you how bad men are out there everywhere.

What do I call it? Hypocrisy or ignorance?

Sometimes I feel like I’m overthinking, and I’m made to feel like I’m overreacting but then comes a little basic task that I need to do on daily basis like going to a nearby shop and fetching something, and it makes me angry all over again.

How our lives revolve around protecting ourselves from men. Merely walking on a street is not safe. Tell me then, is it not our right to get angry?

Bila Unwan: This fight is only our fight.

And when they ask me, oh what have you done if you’re so concerned?

I tell them, I have been trying, I am trying, and I’m very tired.

They ask me to choose just like others did, serve the king at home and spend a controlled but apparently happy life.

I tell them I’m not a slave of this world.

I am only answerable to the king of Kings, The God, and he didn’t limit my role neither did he limit my rights. I will only bow down to him and I will never choose the way the cruel men of this world has paved for women.

I might be tired, but I know I’m not alone.

To know about this year’s Women’s Day theme, visit: and see reports on gender equity at

For more by this author, check out @zainab

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To the one who sees everything and everyone, but is unseen. Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:21:28 +0000

As I try to contain in my screams, I stare at the vast sky. It’s so sad. It’s blue.

I’ve been trying to call you, I’ve been trying to communicate what goes on inside me while I try to comprehend what’s happening around me. My heart wretches as I wake up every morning not knowing how I will get through the day but when I look around, the numbness prevails.

Do you not see the sufferings going on, do you not see how humanity is dying out, do you not see how the people on this planet are grieving?

Why do some have to face tough battles, fight for bread and butter, yet more pain is inflicted upon them?

Why do some put others through vile hardships, play with others’ lives, yet get away with everything?

They say justice will be served. They say the one who is watching is fair and that everyone will get what they deserve. But I’m tired. I’m tired of the constant agony this world is serving to its habitants. I’m tired of watching the humankind suffer. I’m tired of watching everyone trying to survive.

To the one who sees everything and everyone, but is unseen:

Would there come a day the people will actually get to live and not mere fight for their survival?

Would there come a day when I will wake up and hear about mother Earth healing and suffering coming to a halt?

I yearn for a day like that as I cling to hope, but when enduring pain gets unbearable, when this heart cries of grief and when the eyes bleed of sorrow, who do we turn to, dear God?

For more by @zainab, visit

Black Smoke Coming From Fire

To know about global issues and human rights, visit:

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Mental Health: To whom it may concern Thu, 21 Jan 2021 16:29:01 +0000 This is a poem depicting the plight of people going through mental health disorders. It is the year 2021 yet mental health is not taken seriously and patients are often mocked and labelled as being dramatic or attention seekers while they struggle with their disease with no support from friends and family. Being turned away by loved ones while fighting tough mental battles adds to the misery of these people. Most of the time, patients end up committing suicide due to their mental health going down the drain and the constant jeers that they have to face. Hope the world learns to give up ignorance, stop being bitter and extend their support to the people who are in need of it.

To whom It may concern 
How's it been on your end? 
Texts been delayed, 
Calls been none 
Hope you're not mad, hun
 Life's been rough,
 had me shun
 Don't you mind me, 
being hush 
Tried my best, 
couldn't tell
 Been through worse,
 life's been hell 
Anxiety is a myth, 
to it there's no truth 
Depression is a joke,
 oh! How they mock
 No tears have been shed, 
for its in my head 
They made me believe 
that blue is red 
Drowning in blood, 
showing no wounds
 I've been brave
 in this period of gloom 
Tell me, 
how's it on your side? 
I'm sorry, 
been away for a while 
Fought with these emotions, 
gathered the courage to text 
Don't you dare 
think of it as the rest 
Blame me not, 
that I didn't give a hint 
Where were you
 when the lowest I hit?

#MentalHealth Day:

Did you know? World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on #mentalhealth issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make #mentalhealth care a reality for people worldwide.


#MentalHealth Awareness Week:

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 10-16 May 2021. The theme is nature and the environment.

We have chosen ‘Nature and the environment’ as the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 10-16 May 2021!

The evidence is clear that access to nature is crucial for our mental health and millions of people re-discovered that during lockdowns this year. However, this was not the same for all of us. We want to explore what the barriers are and ensure everyone is able to share in the natural world and experience the mental health benefits.

The week will be an opportunity to open our eyes to the power of nature.

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GLOBAL CITIZENS – Love Beyond Borders Sat, 09 Jan 2021 14:40:16 +0000 National citizenship is an accident of birth; it is different from global citizenship. It is a voluntary association with a notion which means ways of thinking and living within multiple cross-cutting communities—cities, regions, states, nations, and international collectives…” (Schattle 2007, 9).
Via different formative life experiences, people come to identify themselves as global citizens and have diverse perceptions of what it means to them. For several, the practice of global citizenship is mostly practiced at home, by involvement in global problems or with various cultures in a local environment.

Global citizenship is a mentality, it’s more than a title. Would you want to be linked in the new digital world? The international community is getting closer and closer, yet it’s easy to hide in a bubble if one chooses not to act. Ask yourself which communities do I belong to?

In essence, a global citizen is someone who considers themselves a member of the global community. They think that society, which goes beyond cultural and geographical differences, should have a common apolitical identity. The best – and probably only – way to genuinely empathize with people who are superficially very different from you, but ultimately share the same objectives is to think of oneself as a part of the whole world and its population: affection, comfort, gratification, friendship, empathy, learning, and the feeling that one’s life matters and so does everyone else’s.

We are more linked to people halfway around the globe because of globalization. We may be learning more about their country, doing business with them, or seeing them on the television. Even the slightest exposure will make us feel more linked to them and empathetic. Globalization has made people empathize more with those hungry children in the African region, so Westerners now want to stop a force that is believed to cause malnutrition for those children. If we didn’t feel linked to them, they would be completely insignificant to us in a concentric circle. Today, the concentric circles are being mushed together more and more.

The notion that we, as citizens of the world, must aspire to cultivate the capacity to understand, embrace and communicate with people from all backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, skin color, sex, etc., has a lot to do with global empathy.

Global Citizens- Sharing Sufferings:

Empathy knows no distances and, when we communicate with another human, is always ‘active’. It’s an ongoing activity, operating at all times. It does not matter for people who are empathic above “normal levels,” whether the other person shows signs of how they feel. An empath will always know that that person is suffering.

People who are empathic at a global level feel things at a much stronger level. There is a collective consciousness that influences us to some degree, and the very consciousness of the planet itself is also present. The World as a whole is also a living being and is also shaped by this global consciousness.

Globalization has led individuals across boundaries to feel the suffering of others. They are now fighting for their human rights, and with technology playing a role in globalization, everyone has a sense of global citizenship as they communicate with each other through devices and at the human level. Empathy has become easier to travel through all nations and to encourage people to share their pain.

For humanity, globalization has proven to be a blessing. People may belong to various backgrounds, ethnic groups, cultures, religions, but they have a sense of belonging.  For others, it may be a curse, but love outside boundaries is nothing less than a blessing.

For more by this author:

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