Magazine – The Uncoiled Celebrating Limitlessness Wed, 05 Jul 2023 17:30:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magazine – The Uncoiled 32 32 Change | ISSUE 4 Sat, 18 Feb 2023 09:02:14 +0000 Over the past year, the world has shifted and turned, events that we'd never thought we'd see took palace, and the need and the individual desire to change what was going on started burning like a fire within us. It's very easy to forget sometimes that the world is built up because of us, that we are the world. And in this world, it's our job to dictate what is tolerable and what is not, through our actions and behavior. This issue contains not just art and literature speaking of change but is a promise that we will through our art never stop fighting for what is right and true.]]> Change | ISSUE 4

To order “Change” in PRINT, click here!

This issue is a collection of Changes. Of different ideas about what change is, and what change can be. It explores the questions of ‘What does change make us feel?”, “What can change be?”, “In which ways are we changing?”, “What do we wish we could change?”, “Which change do we wish to see in the world? (and in ourselves)” and “How important is change?” Answers to these are given by a diverse and enriching mix of literature and art from artists and writers from around the world.

Check out our previous issues!



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PEACE | ISSUE 3 | THE UNCOILED MAGAZINE. Sat, 06 Aug 2022 13:51:24 +0000 The Uncoiled Magazine’s 3rd issue is a testament to our fight for Peace and exploring what it means to us as artists, writers, creatives, and global citizens. For this issue, we chose peace because we know that this topic means so much to us as a community of creatives and as people of this world. We’re constantly fighting and protesting for peace and we wanted this issue to be about us, the people of this world, who have to live through wars and conflicts, who have to fight for the right to speak and express themselves. We want this issue to be an expression of peace and what it means to all of us.


Amira Hassan, Kinga Jakabffy, Kemelo Sehlapelo, Luna Maluna Gri, Anushka, Nadine Rosin, Shir Beck, Alejandro Gonzalez, Nazila Karimi, Sara Landinez, Jade Crimson Rose, Cindy Crawford, Jane Forrest, Gabriel Paiva, Sona Sahakian, Irene Georgiou, Brandon Allebach, Steph Jamieson, Aleksandra Plonka, Robert Matejcek, Simiao Wang, Darija Stipanic, Kianna Martinez, Ilya Sviridov, Hadi Khani.

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Experienced | Issue 2 | The Uncoiled Magazine Sun, 06 Feb 2022 08:51:17 +0000 Experienced is The Uncoiled Magazine's second issue. Experienced is about celebrating the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's about getting comfortable in our own skin and being proud of who we have grown to become. This issue is about owning our experiences and whatever our age may be, it's about not letting the world tell you that you're inexperienced. Your voice matters, your stories matter. "Experienced" is about indulging in yourself and bringing out the best person of yourself. ]]> Experienced is The Uncoiled Magazine’s second issue. Experienced is about celebrating the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s about getting comfortable in our own skin and being proud of who we have grown to become. This issue is about owning our experiences and whatever our age may be, it’s about not letting the world tell you that you’re inexperienced. Your voice matters, your stories matter. “Experienced” is about indulging in yourself and bringing out the best person of yourself. 

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The Statement | The Uncoiled | ISSUE 1 Sun, 15 Aug 2021 08:46:32 +0000 The statement is about unleashing the stories within you. It’s about breaking the circles of society and culture. It's about learning, growing, understanding, teaching, and taking away from good literature and stories that will break society to its true self.]]> The Statement is the first issue of The Uncoiled Magazine. The Statement takes you through the lives of artists and writers from all around the world and expresses what it means to be free and bold.

Our stance today will define the journey that we will take, and it will define the journey our successors will take but just as every journey, your journey is your way of looking within and beyond.

With the Statement, we wish to showcase these journeys, not minding whose they are and for whom they become inspiration but just to exist throughout time to read and learn. Life is about the stories that we tell and the story that we create. The Statement is the depiction of this journey for countless people who seek meaning and who provide meaning to the lives of countless others.

The statement is about unleashing the stories within you. It’s about breaking the circles of society and culture. It’s about learning, growing, understanding, teaching, and taking away from good literature and stories that will break society to its true self.

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