Rays of Sunshine – The Uncoiled https://theuncoiled.com Celebrating Limitlessness Sat, 22 Jul 2023 14:51:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://theuncoiled.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-Screenshot-2022-08-16-at-3.14.50-PM-32x32.png Rays of Sunshine – The Uncoiled https://theuncoiled.com 32 32 @Ddaanat by Natalie – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/ddaanat-by-natalie-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/ddaanat-by-natalie-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sat, 22 Jul 2023 14:50:51 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6657

Reflections of inner worlds, and personal explorations of the soul, a warm and nostalgic aesthetic, represented in a personal archive with the beauty of the traveler’s lens exhibited in a reel made like a true art painting. Breathtaking moments curated by Natalie.

Rays of Sunshine is Truly Yours.

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background

Natalie: Since childhood, I was weirdly attracted by the idea of intellectuality and gaining knowledge. It started with an admiration for history, especially Egyptology with the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, exploring then to all the other epochs like the Renaissance and new age, where I started to indulge in art history and music history, and now I am currently into literature, psychology and developed an interest for theology. Secretly I dreamed to archive a place among the greatest in history. I saw myself standing in my atelier and discussing technical and philosophical topics with other artists, or with a shovel and brush at a burial plot, or in a café with other writers… incredibly ambitious for a child, no? *chuckles*

These light-headed ambitions turned into ash but even now, I think deep down behind all my actions these left-behind daydreams of my past are unconsciously influencing my creative endeavors and goals.

2. How did you come across your creative side?

I think it’s been always there. I cannot pinpoint a moment of revelation or recognition for my creative side – it was and still is an ever-present desire. The only difference is that I did not take it seriously in the past but more like a “little hobby” or a “typically girlish thing” until I recently realized that it takes me unnecessarily a lot of energy to hold back, to ignore it and maintain an “average disposition”. That being said, I do not want to compare myself to others or display some sort of advantage, I only recognized a force that wants to break out – and what choice do I have, other than to pour forth? Else I will suffocate.

3) Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

I think aesthetic always changes and develops, so mine will probably too. But I try to archive a warm and nostalgic aesthetic. Most likely described as a mix out of Studio Ghibli sceneries and film aesthetic of the last 4 decades of the last century combined with insightful captions.

The first impression should be preferably a welcoming and inviting feeling, in hopes to drive the visitor to stay a bit longer and look at the things I have to offer. Someone said, that an Instagram page should be treated like a living room and I agree with that, because I do think that my interior choice would have the same vibes and colors as my page.

4) What is the message you want to spread in the creative world?

The red thread – to use Goethe’s terminology – in my work is the desire to live, explore and understand the world, the people and myself. One suffers in life. It is hard and the world seems sometimes downright cursed. But still, there are reasons to keep living. With that in mind I wish to transmit the vague sense of this hope and beauty, of this depth and vulnerability – to inspire people to reach their potential, to commit to self-reflection and self-development.

I humbly “only” want to point to the moon, the journey towards it, is up to each person.

5. Can you share your creative process in making your posts, captions, and photo catalog?

I wish I could but that’s one of my under-developed areas. So far everything I’ve done was heavily influenced by my motivation, mood and the weather. Spontaneity and sudden burst of energy have been so far the fuel of my actions, which is not negative per se but leads to my inconsistency and chaos in keeping deadlines I set myself or wish to plan. 

Hopefully I’ll find a more balanced way where I have a decent organization and clear pinpoints in the process but still enough freedom to not disturb the flow of creativity.

6. Your captions are always inspirational, full of cultural knowledge. How do you research your rays of sunshine?

I usually do not consciously research my posts (except some blog posts). My mind is constantly brewing some ideas or thinking about topics, philosophies about life – puzzling and connecting all the knowledge I gained so far from books, films, interviews, podcasts, and my own life lessons. But besides that, I like to take notes and write down quotes that have expanded perspectives. 

7. When do you feel most inspired?

I am a night owl, so I get a lot of ideas in the evening or during the night. I also prefer to work in the evening at my desk because it feels like I am getting more done than during the day. My main inspirations are the films of Studio Ghibli for a positive outlook onto my life but also classic literature for the spiritual and philosophical depth. Besides that I like to observe my surrounding and I like people watching when I am sitting in a Café or waiting on a station – there is so much that one can overlook. 

8. Share a quote from your favorite Writer that resonates with you.

“May you be forever blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart. Isn’t such a moment sufficient for the whole of one’s life?”

-Fyodor Dostoevsky

9. What value would you like to add in this world through the rays of sunshine on your page?

I want to remind people that it’s important to detach themselves from the superficialities and problems of today’s system and put some effort into the development of character, solidifying one’s dignity and personal philosophy in life. You have to take things into your own hands if you want to get the best out of life and with confronting good change you might also inspire and do good for others as well. The key for wholeness is not out there but within you, yet people fear to take a closer look at their soul and take responsibility for it.

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? And how does their content inspire you?

I am an admirer from afar, so I do not think I have the guts to meet any creator I feel inspired by. But if I had a chance for a collaboration I’d be interested in the thought to work with photography creators like @vanellimelli or @wishwishwish because I love the way they create with film and they have sharp eye for aesthetic.

11. What would you love to archive in your dream plans?

In general, I wish to surround myself with good people and lead a balanced and peaceful life, where I can wholeheartedly share the things I have to offer with the people I love but also with strangers. But speaking of a more personal aspiration, I want to finish my academia and become an internationally acclaimed writer. 

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page which couldn’t in any other field of work?

Yes, I think – or I least hope so! It might be nothing big and touch only a few people’s hearts but I wish to communicate the beauty of vulnerability, tenderness, and small details in one’s personal life. There is so much good and a lot to be grateful for. It’s so easy to get lost in the stream of negativity and emptiness of today’s world but yet besides all the hardship, it’s worth to battle for one’s own bliss (in a non-narcissistic, noble way).

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight?

I gladly do so! I’ve been blessed with so many heart-warming and genuine words of affirmation of followers, and people in the internet. I keep them all as screenshots in an album called “love letters” – a bit corny, I know but at the end of the day they are a sort of digital love letters.

I re-read them from time to time and rediscover every time that how amazing it is that people can express themselves and how much such a genuine moment of raw kindness and affirmation impacts my soul. I feel touched by those words, it’s an honor to get a respectful and positive recognition for one’s efforts, as small they are. 

The message: “What I wouldn’t give to have a cup of coffee and have a chat about life with you. I dunno why but something tells me it would be a very enlightening conversation for me.” – 26.Oct.2022

Follow her on Social Media

Natalie – @ddaanat

Rays of Sunshine – July 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/ddaanat-by-natalie-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@Lavieestgrecque by Nikolas Pantagias – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/lavieestgrecque-by-nikolas-pantagias-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/lavieestgrecque-by-nikolas-pantagias-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sat, 22 Jul 2023 13:05:20 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6645

I have never thought of following a specific aesthetic theme for my page. Everything follows my own aesthetic views and what I find beautiful and attractive. For me this is the Aegean Sea and the islands, the careless and slow way of living and the local traditions such as its cuisine and habits.

Rays of Sunshine is Vivd

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background.

Nikolas Pantagias: To be completely honest, I have never uncovered an artistic background in the past apart from my love for photography. I’ve always been fascinated by capturing the Aegean Sea at all times of the day, the sunsets, the waves. 

2. How did you come across your creative side?

It all started back in March of 2020 – aka the first lockdown month. I was flying from the Netherlands, where I’ve been living for a year, back to Greece to isolate and spend the next months with family and friends, waiting, like everyone else, to see how Covid-19 will affect us. On my way to Schiphol Airport, I had my backpack stolen from me, with all my precious belongings stored there. Thankfully, two things that I had in my pockets, remained in my possession. My passport and my iPhone. I then had no choice but just get on the plane, carrying only those two things and a big suitcase, and fly home –Greece. In the next following days of isolation in Greece, my only escape was my thoughts on what I love the most in this life. Greece, its sea, its way of life, its people. As a result, I had this idea of creating an online “portfolio” illustrating all this into one collection. 

That day, La Vie est Grecque was born.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

I have never thought of following a specific aesthetic theme for my page. Everything follows my own aesthetic views and what I find beautiful and attractive. For me, this is the Aegean Sea and the islands, the careless, and slow way of living and the local traditions such as its cuisine and habits. I believe I can simply characterize it as a blend of Mediterranean classy simplicity. For me, the main difference between LVEG from other similar pages which promote Greece is the addition of an artistic touch on each post and story and not simply being an online travel guide.

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world?

As my Insta bio states, my main goal is to share the content of Greece’s artistry & simplicity with the world. By doing this I’d like to make others better absorb and love the traditional Greek way of living and how it can be perfectly combined with some new contemporary features. 

5. Can you share your creative process in making your posts and photo collection?

On my account, apart from posting only my own content I also share many photos of other creators – who I admire. Most of my captions are random thoughts of mine, some of which are having a funny/direct tone and others quotes I live by.

6. Your captions are well curated and beautiful. How do you research your rays of sunshine?

As a habit, I’ve been keeping a “Captions” note on my phone before the time I started all this, where I keep all the nice captions & quotes, I find online, I see on posts, I hear on songs, I see on advertising banners, etc. That’s my go-to catalog where I sometimes go to retrieve ideas.

7. Where do you get your inspiration from?

I look no further than outside my window. Living in Greece throughout the year is my biggest inspiration. I live next to the sea; I swim all year round and try to be close to the sea as much as I can. It simply is my mood booster. For the past 2 years I had been living in London and that’s when my love for Greece became even greater and I realized that life is too short not to be where you want. However, I regret nothing, since if it wasn’t for my years spent living abroad, I wouldn’t probably have this passion for Greece coming out.

8. Share a quote from your favorite artist that resonates with you.

The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone and anything – by Frank Sinatra. I kept following this one since the first time I heard of it. It’s nothing more than the honest truth about this world and how everyone should think about it.

9. What value would you like to amplify in this world through the rays of sunshine on your page?

On my posts and stories, I try to give each one of my followers their daily dose of blue, as I call it. 

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future?

There are many creators I admire, for different reasons in each of them. I’ve managed to meet some of them already such as @thegreeksummercollection. I’d like to meet others such as @katerinakatopis, @yolandaedwards & @eratomediterraneo.

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans?

They say, do your hobby your job. So having that in mind, I have the dream of turning this into my full time “job” and travel & reside around the Greek islands.

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page which couldn’t in any other field of work?

Everyone of us is different and has their own perspective of the world. My aim is sharing my own one, and showcase in a library photos which promote the life of my dreams. 

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight?

It’s not only one I can currently name, but one that still comes often in my mind – especially when I’m overwhelmed with work, stress etc. – is that they get motivated and sunny island vibes all year round whenever they wake up and see a post on La Vie est Grecque.

Follow him on Social Media

Nikolas Pantagias ~ La Vie est Grecque

Rays of Sunshine – July 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/22/lavieestgrecque-by-nikolas-pantagias-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@Yearling_ by Tiffany Hutter – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/16/yearling_-by-tiffany-hutter-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/16/yearling_-by-tiffany-hutter-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sun, 16 Jul 2023 13:43:05 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6629

The love for the ocean, the blues of California beach, listening to the waves while holding the camera lens closely, that’s how yearling came to birth, inspirational photography that captures the soul and remains in your heart like a sweet summer love.

Rays of Sunshine is Vivd

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background.

Tiffany Hutter: I am grateful that I come from a very artistic and creative family, so art has always been a part of my life. I developed my love for photography in high school and went on to study film at the university in Los Angeles. Los Angeles was full of opportunities in TV, movies, and photography. I worked in many different jobs both in front of, and behind the camera. I’ve had quite a varied artistic background, but I met so many wonderful people and learned valuable lessons along the way. 

Ice Melting- January 2023

2. How did you come across your creative side?

I was a pretty shy kid and my Mom put me in dance classes at a very young age. I think that it helped me get out of my shell and express myself. Creativity was always nurtured in my house and because of that I have sought out friends and loved ones who also value the importance of creating. It’s a part of everyday life. Photography has helped me stay open and available to the world around me. My creative side is constantly evolving. 

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

I believe the aesthetic theme for my Instagram page found me! During Covid lockdowns in Los Angeles, I would take long walks near the beach with my camera and just watch the shoreline, listen to the waves, and take it all in. I have loved the ocean my whole life, but the quietness of the coastline during that time was so different. I started an Instagram page as a place to hold and share those photos. I named it yearling because I really felt like it was a new start. As the page evolved, I wanted to hold on and remember that feeling of being in a pure, non-judgmental beginning; free to grow and play. 

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world? 

Always keep learning, but never wait until you think you have mastered something to share it. People want to go on that journey with you. If you have good boundaries, there can be so much positivity and support in social media. Also, remember to make room for the quiet and pay attention to what you are given to work with creatively each and every day, it’s endless. 

Shoreline Silhouette- October 2022

5. Can you share your creative process in making your posts of photography?

It is always changing, but I like to share what I am excited about or recently worked on. I use a planner app because the aesthetic of the feed is very important to me. I want each photo to build on a mood I am creating on my page. It’s a part of Instagram I really love! I keep captions to only a word or two that sparks some thought or sets a mood. I like the photo to take each person somewhere without much guidance from me. Sometimes I will quote a favorite poet or teaching. 

6. Your captions are always inspirational, full of cultural knowledge, and quotes from great poets and films. How do you research your rays of sunshine?

I read a variety of books and watch a lot of movies, so I often have words, sayings, and quotes saved in my head. When in doubt, I love a good pun! Sometimes a photo will remind me of a poet or writer I love, and I will search their work for something that feels right. I also love to repost beautiful quotes or poems I find from other Instagram pages to my stories. 

7. When do you feel most inspired?

I feel most inspired when I am by the water. Water is always changing and the connection between light and water is a dance. It makes me feel open to the world around me. 

Silver Shoreline- January 2023

8. Share a quote from your favorite Writer that resonates with you.

I have a million favorites, but I go back to Mary Oliver time and time again. 

“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” Mary Oliver

9. What value would you like to amplify in this world through the rays of sunshine on your page?

The value of our connection to nature is very important to me. The world around us is changing so quickly and I think we can use platforms and pages to highlight the beauty of what we have and what we stand to lose if we don’t protect it. 

10. What content creator you like the most?

There are so many inspiring creators on social media, I can’t pick just one. Photographers, designers, stylists, painters, sculptors; I love to follow artists from different mediums and different points of view. It keeps the social media experience alive for me and (maybe?) confuses the algorithm…which I love! 

Ripple Hand- September 2022

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans?

I would love to continue to work on beautiful projects with like-minded brands that support sustainability, social responsibility, and traceability. Creating for something you believe in is incredibly rewarding. 

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page?

Sharing the world through my eyes is something I am grateful to be able to do and having a space to share that creation is so valuable. I like to think it may brighten someone’s day, make them feel at peace, or inspire them to look at things differently. You never know how your work will be received, but I believe the feeling behind the creation of it and the way you live your life are all mixed in.

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight?

For me, the most beautiful testimonials are the little ones along the way, like a person that found your page and said it made them feel like they were right there by the ocean, or a fellow creator who said your work inspired them. 

Green Wave- April 2021

Follow her on Social Media

Tiffany Hutter – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – July 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/16/yearling_-by-tiffany-hutter-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@Ravenlens – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/15/ravenlens-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/15/ravenlens-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sat, 15 Jul 2023 15:30:44 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6611

My message would be that I spread positivity and kindness to the world. It is vital to spread kindness especially during these last couple of years, as a whole we have been through a lot of hardships and sad stories of loss. We definitely need more of it.

Rays of Sunshine is Vivd

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background.

Mariam Mohamed: I have always had a keen interest in aesthetics ever since I was a teen. I remember dressing up and creating scenarios of me being the main character of many different roles. My interest in art intentionally started from fashion before I became interested in photography. I never used to think about art nor I found it intriguing, the initial change of attitude happened in 2015 I became a fan of many content creators on Vine, when Vine was a thing back then lol, I always loved seeing how people expressed their creative side through comedy, and somehow gradually it changed a curiosity towards their fashion sense. Then, when I finished high school I got seriously bored spending long hours watching hundreds of fashion tv programs, fashion runways and the making of several high-end fashion brands. This loop of boredom allowed me to become creative and to start incorporating fashion with photography. After that, Photography became my way to relieve stress from all the academic pressure. It was refreshing to walk around capturing moments.

2. How did you come across your creative side?

I guess it’s just came to me without trying too hard to find my creativity. It honestly started with
me enjoying documenting moments of my life. I never sought to be creative nor to present
myself as a creative person. I am just a person who’s very in tune with their emotions, I enjoy
long walks and documenting my feelings at a particular moment.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

Honestly, I have gone through many themes and creations before deciding on my current theme. I
first started with black and white photography and it somehow changed into shots of nature, especially flowers. I’ve noticed that I have always been fascinated by Architecture in regard to the structure and the shapes of buildings. So, I’ve ended up following this aesthetic theme of taking shots of buildings around my house.

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world?

I feel like I am still in the beginning of my journey as a photographer, I still have a long way to go
in order to become a storyteller through visuals. I have always been a kind person and I would
love to continue to spread kindness and warmth through my shots. So, my message would be
that I spread positivity and kindness to the world. It is vital to spread kindness especially during
these last couple of years, as a whole we have been through a lot of hardships and sad stories
of loss. We definitely need more of it.

5. Can you share your creative process in making your photo catalog and captions?

The process begins by taking a walk around the block or whenever I find a chance from my
schedule to take photography shots. During Covid19 I had more time on my hands and I wanted to capture those feelings I had and translate them in some way creatively. I enjoy observing people’s
energy and their body language during my long walks, which helps me to come up with ideas for my own shoots sometimes. I consider myself simple and upfront with how I express myself and I truly value transparency, which results in my shots being clear and understandable for the viewer. I also love flowers and nature which is always included in my photography. Then, during the same year I opened my own Instagram account of black and white photography. That move helped me in learning to become more of a storyteller than a photographer. After that, I always make sure that I can uplift someone’s mood by sharing a positive quote at the end with my shots.

6. Your captions are always inspirational, full of poetry and music lyrics. How do you research your rays of sunshine?

Thank you for these beautiful words. I am always fueled with positivity and the energy of people around me as well as seeing beautiful visuals created by artists I admire. It always energizes me and pushes me to create more shots. Honestly, the captions come from my own understandings and I love to share my own personal experiences in my captions whether it be from poetry or music lyrics I relate to. I always try to maintain a small part of my content inspirational with pockets of positivity in it.

7. What value would you like to amplify in this world through the rays of sunshine on
your page?

I think it would be about spreading happiness and positivity. I’ve always been a cheerful person
who sees the world in rainbows and sunshine lol, I just can’t help it. So I would love to see a
more gentle and kinder world for us all and also, spreading a sense of comfort and warmth through my photography for the people viewing my page.

8. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? and
how does their content inspire you?

I would definitely choose my two favorite content creators Amina @Aminaisnotokay and
@omarfarooq. Amina is literally my twin. We share quite the same personality weirdly enough.
Her content always puts a smile on my face and I am LITERALLY obsessed with her storytelling
and how she explains her day for us. Also, I relate to her a lot that weirdly enough I feel like it’s
me talking. The way she gives me energy and happiness through her Youtube videos. But for
Omar Farooq is a Youtuber and filmmaker who has an adventurous soul and loves storytelling
which are two things I also love and relate with his content. I also love his passion to share
positive energy with the world and spreading kindness through his insanely creative storytelling.
Omar is someone I will have the honor to meet soon inshallah and I feel you could have a
genuine conversation with him about his travel experiences because we share the similar
values and the passion for storytelling through visuals.

9. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched
your heart deeply and added valuable insight?

“Hello, I am one of your biggest fans I wish I was as optimistic as you, confident and
ambitious mashallah “

I had a follower from Morocco who sent me a message last year that she’s a fan of mine
and she seeks inspiration in life from me. First, that message made me so emotional because
when I started this account I never thought that someone would see it in this way, nor I had any
expectation that it might influence someone, especially from a different part of the world. That’s the beauty of social media and creating a virtual connection. And until now those words have affected me. I
always remember her words whenever I create something and it always pushes me to create a
positive content. I am someone who thrives on people’s positive energy and this message has
always been a fuel to continue for the best.

Follow her on Social Media

Raven Lens – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – July 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/07/15/ravenlens-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@Jackhwtt – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/jackhwtt-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/jackhwtt-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sat, 17 Jun 2023 15:27:23 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6594

Beautiful hues of grey is what pulls you in closer while gazing at a self portrait by Jack Hewitt, his art is captivating , mesmerizing and simply unique in the world of social media.

Rays of Sunshine is Art.

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background. 

Jack Hewitt: I never actually studied art in academic level. I studied film with the idea of becoming a cinematographer. I’ve always been drawn to visual composition, so I’d say my background comes from looking at a lot of film and photography. However, that’s not to say that I just started drawing and painting recently; it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. 

2. How did you come across your creative side? 

I wouldn’t say that I have come across it because it’s been there from a very early age so to speak.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page? 

I try not to think too much about aesthetics in relation to Instagram, and I try not to paint something because I think it would look good on my page or get lots of likes. I feel that Aesthetics are instinctive, and I try to tap into that instinct as much as possible.

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world? 

Just keep making stuff, and make stuff for yourself. 

5. Can you share your creative process in making your paintings and posts? 

In terms of making paintings I just respond to things I see, or I’m responding to an ideas that pop into my head. I try not to think too much about why I’m doing something as it’s happening, that comes after. I often reflect upon this within my captions on Instagram.

6. Your captions are always inspirational, how do you research your rays of sunshine? 

My captions are usually reflective. I talk about my intention and influences, and what is the outcome compares to that. Reflection is a necessary part of creation for me, and I like to share that with my audience. 

7. When do you feel most inspired? 

I get inspired the most by those who are prolific in their craft, from my closest friends and from people whose work I follow and admire. I also collect and save a lot of images online that I always refer back to. Photography has always been a big influence for me. 

8. Share a quote from your favorite Filmmaker that resonates with you. 

I’ve never verified the origin of this quote but it’s something Andrei Tarkovsky said, (and I’m paraphrasing) If you look for meaning you’ll miss everything that happens‘.

9. What value would you like to amplify in this world through your page? 

Simply the openness to share what you create. 

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? and how does their content inspire you? 

I’ve always preferred not to approach people I admire. The phrase don’t meet your heroes is something I definitely follow quite closely. For me I’m more obsessed with the work than the person even though there is an argument to be made for the work being an extension of the person. However if I had to name someone it would probably be someone of the same likes as Phil Hale or Ruprecht von Kauffman. I’m obsessed with artists who are virtuoso , and artists whose work you can recognize from miles off.

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans? 

Creating paintings as a full time Artist.

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page?

I’d say I just toss my perspective in the ring with everyone else’s, and painting is the way in which I feel I can express myself the best. 

13. Share with us a testimonial from your audience?

Not sure I could list one. But I love to hear when people interpret something that I’ve never considered or intended. It takes the pressure of communicating my intention. 

Follow him on Social Media

Jack Hewitt – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/jackhwtt-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@_augustobm – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/_augustobm-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/_augustobm-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sat, 17 Jun 2023 14:27:00 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6563

Observing something as beautiful as a piece of leave on your hair, with dreamy eyes, describes the refreshing and youthful sensation that reaches your soul while looking at a drawing by Augusto, simplicity of the line with a deeper meaning makes you love looking at these drawings forever. He sees his artwork as the ancient and eternal connection between humans and nature.

Rays of sunshine is Art.

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background.

Augusto: My artworks are about the ancient and eternal connection between humans and nature. We are part of nature, our bodies, our love, our feelings, and our imagination…everything. So I focus on drawing about this connection. 

2. How did you come across your creative side? 

I’m used to drawing ever since I was a little child. Childhood, in my opinion, is the precise time to explore one’s imagination, mature adults usually forget about this concept. I think artists should always remember how important it is to keep their imagination alive. therefore, it’s so fundamental for me to keep creating art! I deeply need it! while My soul needs it! and It’s considered to be a spiritual practice.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

It was a natural choice. I just can’t explain it exactly! I just connected my artworks with the ancient aesthetic just because it’s all so connected. The theme of my artwork is all about the ancients too. I don’t draw about a specific time or place but the ancients are an inspiration because they have a particular look to humanity in their gods and philosophy. So in reality the Ancient Greek and Roman aesthetic matches with my artworks. 

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world? 

I think the deep message in my artwork is that we have to look towards ourselves with kindness, and accept our humanity. We love, we feel, hence we are humans. Sometimes we are faced with complicated feelings, however, it’s all about our inner worlds, and it’s also about the connection between nature and human beings. In brief, our human experience shall always include imagination as its core totality.

5. Can you share your creative process in making your aesthetic Art page?

My creative process is so organic. I simply sit in my chair and start drawing . Sometimes I manage to record it and share it on my social media. Also, I love to imagine a particular world that I build with each art piece. So I’m always thinking about these imaginative worlds , getting inspiration from them, and draw parts of these creative worlds. 

7. Where does your inspiration come from?

I get inspiration from numerous things. The concept of humanity considers a major inspiration for me , such like the correlation with other people, and my bond with family. Nature is inspiring too. I’m a history teacher so my interrelation with ancient times touches my heart. All the sentimental forms of creativity such as movies and music, gives me various ideas, for example, I love Lana Del Rey’s music and all her melancholic vibes, so I sense its connection and similarity with my artworks in a certain way. 

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans? 

I plan to keep spreading my stylistic way of drawing lines to the world. I’ve never traveled before to other countries, never left Brazil my home country, however, I know my art pieces can reach global places that I’ve never will be, so that’s ok for me. 

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your art on your page?

The world of social media gives me the ability to connect with people. I benefit from my page to sell my artworks in a tattoo form, in digital prints and other forms of creative collaborations such as branded stamp blouses and mugs that are sold around the world and it genuinely makes me feel so happy. It’s all about the lines and their connection with my audience.

Follow him on Social Media

Augusto BM – Instagram

Augusto Dreamer – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of Instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/17/_augustobm-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@Prosecco.studio – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/prosecco-studio-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/prosecco-studio-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2023 14:57:49 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6547

Art Museum that captures the beauty of the world surrounding us, to see a painting by Gustav Klimt reminds you of how impactful art can be and how important it is to preserve it for future generations. Prosecco Studio helps you explore different forms of art and to experiment your unique creativity.

Rays of Sunshine is Imprints and Imagery
Photographed by Tim Walker 

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your artistic background. 

Prosecco studio: I was lucky enough to be raised in an artistic family which allowed me to be familiar with art at a young age. They instilled in me a love of experimentation and exploration in art and sculpting. While I don’t pursue these hobbies professionally, I did choose to major in art history, which shows how deeply passionate I am about the field. I enjoy learning about the context and history of various art forms, and I believe this understanding enriches my artistic perspective. Through my experiences in creating and studying art, I have developed my own unique style and approach to artistic expression.

2. How did you come across your creative side? 

As a child, I was fortunate to spend a lot of time visiting museums thanks to my parents. We traveled around Europe, and before arriving in new cities, our list of tourist attractions always included famous artworks. I remember standing in front of Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” in Vienna, feeling goosebumps all over my body. It was the first time I realized how impactful art can be and how important it is to preserve it for future generations. Moments like these pushed me to be interested in creativity and to create art myself. I found that expressing myself through art was a way to tap into that same emotional power that I had experienced in the museums. From that point on, I began to explore different forms of art and to experiment with my own creativity. Today, I find that my creativity plays an important role in my life and is a source of fulfillment and self-expression.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your Instagram page?

I chose to create an Instagram page with a soft aesthetic and sometimes a mix of vibrant colors because I want my page to have a positive undertone. I post content from many different branches of art to keep my visual diary as vibrant as possible. I enjoy posting about directors, actors, and painters from the past because I want to keep their legacies alive and teach younger generations about their impact on the art world. Additionally, I post about hidden gems in the contemporary art world to give my audience the chance to discover new artists with me. By sharing a variety of art forms and styles, I hope to inspire my audience to explore their own creativity and appreciate the beauty of art. I believe that my page can serve as a positive platform for people to come together and celebrate the richness of artistic expression.

Photographed by Charles H. Traub

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world? 

The message I want to spread in the creative world is one of inclusivity and acceptance. I believe that art has the power to bring people together, regardless of their backgrounds or identities. One of the best things that art can offer to the world is the freedom of expression. Through creative expression, we have the ability to perceive the world from different perspectives and identities, even if just for a moment. This has the potential to help us grow as a community and to learn to empathize more with each other. I believe that the creative world should be welcoming to everyone, regardless of their differences. It is my hope that through diverse representation in the creative community, I can help to promote this message of inclusivity and acceptance. By celebrating our differences and embracing diverse perspectives, we can create a more vibrant and enriching creative world for all.

5. Can you share your creative process in making your Art Museum ?

When it comes to making my posts, captions, and photo catalog, my creative process involves selecting images that I find personally interesting or aesthetically pleasing from a folder I have created. I then try to find similar visuals in terms of color and theme to create coherency in my posts. I like to focus on different artists from around the world to showcase the diversity that exists in the art world, I still struggle to find artists from different backgrounds. Even though we’ve come a long way it is still challenging at times for people of color to become visible in this industry. Sometimes I go after a feeling or emotion and try to find images that reflect that particular sentiment. I strive to be as clear and concise as possible when writing captions because I understand that reading long paragraphs on Instagram can be challenging, especially when there is so much interesting content out there. However, when necessary, I add informative text to provide a little bit more clarity on a particular post. Overall, my creative process is driven by my love for art and my desire to share my passion with others.

Painting by Shane Keisuke Berkery 

6. Your captions are always inspirational, full of cultural knowledge, and quotes from great poets and movies. How do you research your rays of sunshine? 

Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it. In terms of researching my captions, I usually start with the artwork or photograph that I am posting about and try to find interesting and relevant cultural or historical knowledge about it. I also enjoy reading books and watching documentaries about art, artists, and various cultural movements, which often inspire me to create captions that share the knowledge I have gained. Additionally, I love quotes from great poets, writers, and movies that can add a layer of depth and meaning to a post. I try to be authentic and personal in my captions, sharing my own perspective and insights while also providing educational value to my followers. When I look back at my posts, it feels like reading my own art diary and seeing my personal growth and learning journey through my captions.

7. Where does your inspiration come from?

For me, inspiration can come from a variety of sources, but I feel most inspired when I encounter visual artworks that truly resonate with me. Whether it’s a painting, sculpture, or other forms of visual art, there’s something about seeing a glimpse of beauty or experiencing a sudden rush of emotions that inspires me. It’s like a spark that ignites my creativity and makes me want to create something new and meaningful. I also find inspiration in books and other forms of media, but there’s something special about the way that visual art can capture a moment or an emotion in time. When I’m feeling particularly inspired, I love creating mood boards and curating collections of images and ideas that capture the essence of that inspiration. It’s a way to channel my creative energy and share my unique perspective with the world.

Painting by Luigi Benedicenti

8. Share a quote from your favorite Filmmaker that resonates with you. 

The quote by Mike Mills in his movie “Beginners” deeply resonates with me. It reminds me that despite the complications and difficulties of life, happiness can be found in the simplest things. It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of life and forget the beauty of the little moments. The quote is a reminder to appreciate the simple things in life, to find joy in the present moment, and to cherish the people we love. It’s a powerful message that inspires me to live my life with simplicity and gratitude.

9. What value would you like to amplify in this world through the rays of sunshine on your page? 

I believe that amplifying the voices and work of underrepresented artists is crucial in creating a more inclusive and diverse art world. Through my rays of sunshine on my page, I strive to showcase the work of artists from different backgrounds and identities. I also aim to bring attention to important social issues through art and inspire my audience to take action toward creating positive change in the world. Ultimately, I hope to add value by promoting empathy, understanding, and connection through art.

Painting by Domenico Gloni

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? and how does their content inspire you? 

I enjoy Gilbert Kann’s and Cindy Greene’s content so much. Whenever I need inspiration I find myself looking at their Instagram pages. I don’t have a social media creator in my mind to collaborate with but I am open to collaborating with anyone!

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans? 

In my dream plans, I want to create a platform that will give artists a free space to showcase their creativity to a larger audience. I envision a space that promotes inclusivity and encourages artists from all backgrounds and identities to share their work. This platform will not only provide a space for artists to showcase their work but also offer opportunities for collaboration, networking, and skill-building. It will be a community where artists can share their experiences and learn from each other. I believe that everyone should have access to an inclusive platform that provides equal opportunities and resources to all artists. My ultimate goal is to create a space where artists can grow, connect and thrive in their artistic pursuits.

Photographed by Tim Walker 

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page which couldn’t in any other field of work? 

As someone who has always been fascinated by art and its ability to inspire and connect people, I truly believe that my rays of sunshine on my page can bring something unique to the world. Through my curation of different artworks and my personal insights, I aim to create a platform that is both informative and uplifting. I think we are lucky in some ways to live in an era in which we can have access to many artworks online. I still believe in the magic of seeing original artworks in museums however, sometimes we cannot afford to travel or we don’t have time. I think by sharing and curating different artworks, I can provide an online gallery for people to discover and learn the art. While there are many other fields of work that are dedicated to promoting art, I believe that the accessibility of social media allows me to reach a wider audience and connect with people from all walks of life. By sharing my love of art and highlighting different perspectives and voices, I hope to create a community that is welcoming, inclusive, and inspiring.

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight? 

I have been running my Instagram page for quite some time now and I have received many beautiful testimonials from my audience. However, the one that touched my heart the most was from the French artist Vincent Delerm. Vincent Delerm is such an incredibly talented artist and he is one of my favorite contemporary musicians. He recently posted about my page and left a comment telling me how much he loved my content. I was incredibly honored and humbled by his words. Knowing that someone I admire so much appreciates what I do is truly a wonderful feeling. It added valuable insight for me because it showed me that my passion for art can truly touch people’s hearts and connect us across different cultures and backgrounds.

Follow the Studio on Social Media

Prosecco Studio  – Instagram

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/prosecco-studio-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@spaceoddiittyy by Ashlynne Aguilar – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/spaceoddiittyy-by-ashlynne-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/spaceoddiittyy-by-ashlynne-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2023 13:23:16 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6492

When you discover your passions for reading, writing, music, and art, when you explore and your soul expands from the collection of memories you acquire from all those art mediums, her page is a welcoming hug after a long day; a safe space for you. in simple words It’s a never-ending journey of world discovery and exploration Spaceoddity gives you so fruitfully.

“Rays of Sunshine is Imprints and Imagery”

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your creative background. 

Ashlynne: Hello, my name is Ashlynne and I’m the creator of @spaceoddiittyy. I don’t have much of an artistic background, but I’ve always had a deep admiration and sense of wonder for this world. Humbly discovering how this life can be beautiful. I’m grateful to have had influential teachers and people to look up to while growing up. 

2. How did you come across your creative side?

I came across my creative side, simply by walking through life and observing. I don’t always feel creative, but sometimes I’m easily inspired by others and think, “I want to do that too… I can do that too!”. I love teaching myself new things, and by doing so, I learn more about myself in the process. I’ve discovered passions for reading, writing, music, and art… and am always desiring to learn more. I want to try everything. It’s a never-ending journey, and that gives me hope and fills me with excitement. We can never run out of these simple joys. And we must always strive to continue growing. And sometimes, there are special people who enter your life and make such a grand impact that lingers. Those who encourage you, and make you want to be better.

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your instagram page?

This theme has slowly evolved over time, but now I love what it’s become. A color palette of neutrals, soft hues of blues and greens… I hope it can be somewhat of a welcoming hug after a long day; a safe space for you. I hope to keep the theme of nature, and humanity, inspiring life. A sort of journal setup, stitched with love. 

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world?

A message of hope. I’m reminded of this quote, “I want to infect you with the tremendous excitement of living, because I believe you have the strength to bear it.” – Tennessee Williams, The Selected Letters: 1920-1945. I want to remind you that there’s more out there. How we’ve only just begun. How there’s so much to look forward to, and hold on to. There are some photographs and certain films that just remind you that humanity is innately good. Sometimes that reminder is so desperately needed. 

5. Can you share your creative process in making your captions with pieces of writings?

It usually begins with a feeling of inspiration, or gratitude. A small flicker of hope in the moment. If I’ve written my own caption first, I would then go on to find the best picture or scene from a film to reflect my feelings. Sometimes however, it can be the other way around, and I’ll start with a poem or passage from a book that resonated so deeply. Whenever I come across something that catches my eye, I make sure to save it. Knowing I found something I would love to share with you. 

6. Your captions are always inspirational, full of cultural knowledge, and writings from great poets and movies. How do you research your rays of sunshine?

Most of my captions are derived from a multitude of different books, and authors throughout the years. Some can also come from dialogue from a film; some may be lyrics from a song. And some sentiments may just be inspired from someone in real life. 

7. When do you feel most inspired?

I’m grateful to say that inspiration can strike at any moment. I try not to lose sight of the beauty of life, and it’s important to always be reminded. Inspiration can come from an act of kindness: from a moment spent with someone you cherish, from any small act of love, from a bird singing alone in a tree, from a new song I heard, from the pages of a book a friend recommended… the list goes on. I feel most inspired when I’m reminded of gratitude. It’s easy to forget, but oftentimes I’m reminded by life itself, and I’m overcome with feeling. In those moments, I feel inspired to write or share something hopeful, so that others may read it and hopefully feel the same.

8. Share a quote from your favorite Artist, singer, and writer that resonates with you.

Here are a few: 

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars always makes me dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh.

“…I feel like I’m dying if I don’t do this. The movies, and the old sayings, the myths are teaching us that: your version of your life is the best one. I just have so many regrets, so.. it’s like a saying to myself. Please don’t look back, from now on. You did your best. And you’ll be the only one who can protect yourself. You chose your past, and you’re choosing your present, you will choose your future. There could be some trials, hardships, risks, dangers. But still. Don’t look back and enjoy the ride. Just feel. If you’re sad, just be sad. If you’re happy, just be happy.” – Kim Namjoon.

“I would like to make a film to tell children, “It’s good to be alive.” – Hayao Miyazaki.

9. What value would you like to add/amplify in this world through the rays of sunshine on your page?

If nothing else, I’d like to give people hope. Like a beacon of light in the distance, if you’re feeling swallowed by darkness, I want you to see a light. I want you to know everything will be okay. Because it’s true! It will be, and I need you to believe it too. I know life can be hard, no one is denying that. We’re all going through our own problems and we’re all stuck in our own worlds. But I hope to remind you, through any means, that we’re going to be okay. You’re not alone. Don’t despair! Our trials and hardships will pass and happiness will find you again. / because at the end of the day, who are we? We seem to forget our priorities. What truly matters? And I’d like to think- our love, our lives… This life matters! The people we love and the things we do with love. The things that make you happy. That matters. Let’s live, and strive to enjoy our precious time here. 

10. What social media creator would you like to meet or collaborate with in the future? and how does their content inspire you?

@beautorigine @iconicpairings @f.e.l.t @paint.with.amy @retroliquor @loversofthepast @motelwitch @80sradical and many, many more… They have all been kind and beautiful inspirations. 

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans?

There’s a lot of different things… haha. I have big dreams, but it’s often easy to feel discouraged. I have a lot of things I want to do, but I’m stuck feeling I don’t have enough time. But I know now, there’s no rush. It’s okay to go at a slower pace, as long as we’re still moving forward. / Overall, I hope to create something beautiful in this life. I hope to inspire at least one person. and mostly, I wish to be kind, and help others in some way. / A big dream of mine that has followed me for years is to become a film director. I have so many scripts and ideas for stories I would love to tell. Meaningful, beautiful, heartfelt movies. Stories that impact you, make you feel every emotion; movies that linger. Moments where you can feel the excitement and thrill through the screen, or want to cry alongside the character you see.. I want to create something special. I hope one day this could come true.

12. Do you think there is something you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page?

These brief moments of inspiration. I find it to be a perfect platform to share writings, messages, and feelings in the moment. Acting like a journal, a place to share thoughts and convey emotions. 

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight?

I’m truly blessed to have the most beautiful followers. I really mean it, I’m surrounded by so much kindness, which only inspires me to be kinder in return. I’ll never forget the kindness they’ve shown me. And if they’re reading this, I hope they know how grateful I am.

Follow her on Social Media

Ashlynne  – Spaceoddiittyy

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/11/spaceoddiittyy-by-ashlynne-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0
@thegreeksummercollection by Maria-Ioanna Tsourapas – Rays of Sunshine https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/04/thegreeksummercollection-by-maria-ioanna-tsourapas-rays-of-sunshine/ https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/04/thegreeksummercollection-by-maria-ioanna-tsourapas-rays-of-sunshine/#respond Sun, 04 Jun 2023 11:35:09 +0000 https://theuncoiled.com/?p=6478

Sun kissed bodies resting on the shorts of the Mediterranean waters, understanding the beauty behind the lens of Maria a the content creator of the Greek summer collection, is understanding the beauty of the Aegean Sea, the memories of summers in Greece.

This content creator understands and appreciates the beauty and the richness of the Mediterranean Sea, history and natural landscapes.

Rays of Sunshine is Culture and Heritage.”

Amira Hassan: Tell our readers your creative background. 

Marianna Tsourapa: Although I was usually inclined towards more technical disciplines, photography has always been a passion of mine. Whether admiring others’ photos or being behind the camera myself, I’ve enjoyed it since a very young age. I credit my mom for fostering this interest, as she attempted to capture nearly every moment of our childhood.

2. How did you come across your creative side? 

Probably during the first lockdown, like so many others. I needed a creative outlet during the day – I was reading a lot, learning how to paint, attempting to write, and doing pottery. That’s when I decided to start sharing my photos from my summers in Greece – as a mental escape during those grey days at home. Photography was the easiest way for me to channel and share my creativity with others. 

3. Why have you chosen this aesthetic theme for your instagram page?

I love summer, the Aegean Sea, and the memory of all my summers spent in Greece. I also really enjoy discovering new places – to eat, swim, explore – and sharing them with others. The Greek Summer Collection is a combination of all these loves.

4. What is the message you want to spread in the creative world?

Mainly a message of appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our world. Greece is a country rich in history, culture, and natural landscapes, and I aim to capture and showcase its unique character and charm through my photography. I hope that my work inspires others to explore and appreciate the beauty of the world around them and to embrace the diversity of cultures and experiences that our planet has to offer.

5. Can you share your creative process in making your captions and photo catalog? 

I like to go through my albums and look at my old photos, again and again. I have so many photos from my travels and going back to them during a winter day brings me a lot of inspiration. The ones that give me the strongest feeling, I usually share on my channel. Same goes with the captions, they usually capture what I think and feel in the moment, looking at this photo.

6. Your captions are always inspirational. How do you create your rays of sunshine? 

I love to read travel accounts of great authors and artists that visited Greece in the past. If I use a quote, it will usually come from one of those books – a quote about the feeling of the country, its sceneries and timeless beauty. 

7. When do you feel most inspired? 

When I am travelling, swimming, reading under the sun, visiting a new place, or going back to the same island for the 20th time. Without a doubt I feel the most inspired during the summer months. 

8. Share a quote from your favorite Writer that resonates with you. 

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” by Henry Miller. He is one of my favorite authors and I have felt this quote deeply. Some places have changed the way I see my future, what success looks like and what I want to be doing with my life. 

9. What value would you like to add to this world through your page? 

I hope to add a ray of sunshine to someone’s day, an inspiration for a trip in Greece to look forward to or the urge to get behind the camera and capture their own unique moments. 

10. What instagram content creator you admire the most ?

There are so many pages and creators that I love… @lavieestgrecque, @samyoukilis and @soulsandsalts – all travel pages capturing and sharing places and moments with their own unique perspective. 

11. What would you love to achieve in your dream plans? 

I would love to have my own series of photography books and travel full time to create them. 

12. Do you think there is uniqueness you can bring to this world through your rays of sunshine on your page, that differs from other pages?

This page feels like my own brand – my chance to bring my perspective to the world the way it is. I feel the freedom to put out the content that I love and to connect with the people that will love it as well. In that way there is no pressure to change or adapt to anything else than my own vision. 

13. Share with us the most beautiful testimonial you’ve got from your audience that touched your heart deeply and added valuable insight? 

Honestly, every message that I get from someone telling me that they love a photo or video or booked a trip to a place I shared – it is a huge compliment, and I am so touched to hear it. And I treasure this opportunity to share a bit more about my channel and myself with you, so thank you deeply for that!   

One of my favorite shots and scenes as this would be the definition of Greek summer for me – a white-washed church on a cliff and the endless blue of the Aegean Sea.


I love discovering and sharing new places, Mandrakia village is one of them. It is not a secret spot anymore but there is a reason why – every corner is so beautiful, the boats, the fishermen houses, the touches of colour and the cats laying everywhere, enjoying a bit of sunshine.  

I visited Amorgos for the first time this year and I fell in love. This photo was taken at Ammoudi beach, a place I discovered on my last day on the island. Crystal clear waters, quiet beach and those huge rock formations that you could lay on, surrounded by the Aegean – it felt like a dream!

This is one of the most liked videos on my account, I think because it captures the feeling of being a child, enjoying carefree days by the water, creating core memories with your friends – at least that is how I feel looking at it .

Follow her on Social Media

Maria-Ioanna Tsourapas  – Thegreeksummercollection

Rays of Sunshine – June 2023

Editor Amira Hassan introduce a new interview series on the uncoiled magazine website about a collection of instagram pages that have added an immense cultural value to our daily lives, they have added rays of sunshine in our intellectual mind with daily posts about inspiring poets, artists, photographers and writers. They enriched our world with quotes from heartfelt classic movies, from Breathless in French new wave films, to Studio Ghibli beautiful and colorful movies. We would like to give the spotlight to these personalities whose work is most valuable in the social media world, and their creative endeavors deserve recognition and appraisal.

https://theuncoiled.com/2023/06/04/thegreeksummercollection-by-maria-ioanna-tsourapas-rays-of-sunshine/feed/ 0