These Chains

By: Rami Naamna 

Luxury or bondage, my concept demanded 

Mantling the skin of black folk, to either highlight or imprison 

Visions of distant past, my links granted me perception

Perceiving my ancestors formed in ancient Egypt 

Made of pure gold, recognizing royalty for the sake of recognition for the pharaoh 

Dual purpose I was formed for

Pharaoh wore the chains his slaves wore on their feet and around their palms

Not to say we are one and the same, but to say “I am better” 

Superiority complex filled the nation, formed pyramids and schemes 

Therefore conceptualizing what a chain could dream 

Chains worn by slaves, taken across the sea 

Segregated and denied the concept of glea

worn chains so they cannot be freed

Taken to foreign land to pick cotton, aspects of what life can be 

For a black person, either exploited or freed 

But “freed” is a loose concept when chains are all that you see 

Controlled one way or the another, the links take different forms 

Exploited by higher power, I feel bad for the black people 

My design is meant to imprison, segregate their ideologies 

and brainwash all the children to love the white man

Fast forward, begin to use chains as coping mechanism 

or suicidal practice, depends on the person you see 

Purchase chains that reflect the trauma they have received 

try to hide it due to the Neighbourhood that had grieved 

For a child to end up dead from gang violence 

Or brutality from higher powers, hired like exterminators 

Exterminate their culture, exterminate their people

Exterminate their rights and the belief they could be equal 

Exterminate false belief that they could do more bodily harm 

Than the white man could with pure words and his belief in god 

“Nigger!” He would preach in every time period since the word was introduced into our society 

Societies burdened with laws too impractical for a black person to live by 

Chains formed by the apartheid 

Chained down by government, or fake dictatorship 

Chained down by the bonds you might receive at an institution 

The higher quality the chain, the more you may gain from it 

Or the easier it’ll be to hang from it, I can see 

and understand why one might hang from a gold chain 

But I do not wish to be used a noose so as much as you 

Wish to be enslaved by the countries you live in 

Or to be enslaved by the media, too common for us chains to believe 

That a bond might prosper in society, link chains aren’t one and the same 

Hang from me my beloved, enslaved for suicide and extermination 

Caterpillar Society

By: Rami Naamna

Am I human or a caterpillar

A black caterpillar with wings, because he doesn’t know how to sprout a cocoon

Caterpillars walk and wag, venture for miles, eat leaves, find who they are, sprout and fly

A society of caterpillars 

Y’all ever wondered what a caterpillar with a chain would look like

The stereotype of a black man set on a caterpillar

A cocoon that shoots watermelon seeds like a black man would shoot guns?

A caterpillar that sags its body like a black man would sag his pants

A butterfly that wears all black so it’s prey can be afraid, like in the hood so people don’t fuck with em

All black mean you a real n#gga? Rep red or blue wings mean you real, don’t rep a gang and then what, you get shot?

Get captured by a human, the popo

Framed for a crime you didn’t even commit because you look like the black man next door?

Catch a butterfly for the collection of racism

Is that all I am?

A butterfly that grows to die

Caterpillars are not free to those who are scared of bugs

like those who believe Black people are considered a threat

like the people who consider all Muslim’s as terrorists

A threatening terrorist is what I am

Is isis a gang or an army of war?

What gang the butterfly rep?

What seeds does it preach

What seeds will it sprout

Am I a black man or a caterpillar?

A caterpillar without the wings because I’ll die before I get the chance to let them sprout?

Spout all these words like a gun

I gattle and the police jiggle and giggle, it’s all fun until I’m shot for it

Go to sleep wake up one day, corpse outside my apartment

Is that the society of the caterpillar?

A black caterpillar with a cocoon as a gun

Keep it in its back pocket and shoot watermelon seeds

Instead of leaves I would eat fried chicken

Wear my cocoon like i wear a du rag

Why is it that a caterpillar has to sprout wings for it to be called beautiful?

Why is it that The black man is only considered a threat because people are afraid he holds a gun?

Does the black man shoot the watermelon seeds to protect themselves from the Zulu butterflies?

Or does the butterfly shoot the .12 to protect himself from all the other colours

Is it the emotion of the black man that determines the colour of its wings, or the past of the butterfly to determine its gang colour

So many questions to ask the black caterpillar, who will grow up to be a butterfly who bleeds the same colour of the watermelon he’s shoots seeds out of

But the butterfly won’t get to answer the question, for the black man will scream “I can’t breathe” before he can enter his cocoon

And the society afraid of the caterpillar will fall on top the neck of the butterfly because they are afraid of the seeds they possess

But do not fear, for it was a misconception

Not all butterflies use guns, it’s all good

And instead of the destruction of the cocoon, the officer gets kicked out the society of the caterpillar

The pillars of the butterfly cater to the society of a caterpillar, are they one and the same

Do they rep the same colour?

You ever see two butterflies fight because they rep the same colour?

 Shooting the same seeds but you ain’t ever see no blue watermelon

The difference between watermelon and cantaloupe

A problem in the society of caterpillars is that you judge off the colour of the wings, but not the story of the lines within the wings that flap

Cater to the pillars of the society of a caterpillar, and judge the butterfly

Judge a man from Compton because he repping a gang because his family tree all do

Was that his fault or was that the society of a caterpillar

Reproduction of the butterflies

Do they create a child judged by the pillars of caterpillars, a society of caterpillars, or does the child grow with the wings of violet

Sprout wings and get seeds pulled through your wings, fall to the society of caterpillars and be eaten by them

Does the caterpillar determine the colour of its wings when it grows or is that apart of they DNA?

Society of caterpillars sat two caterpillars with two different sets of wings

Did they shoot the seeds of the watermelon and cantaloupe or did they discuss a society of caterpillars

They never shot, they flapped their wings and explained to each other the reason for the hue of they wings

Both because of the households, they grew up in

With every response, the butterfly’s wings became such a bit amount of purple

Spreading through the wings, neutrality 

A conversation of butterflies speak through not the colour of their wings or their DNA, but the words that they preach

At the end of the slaughter of words that they reached to the souls of each other

abolish and boycott the society of caterpillars

pillars of the butterfly to cater too

purple wings sprout from each butterfly and fly free

Neutrality now in their child’s DNA, the system is fought

The butterflies won a fight within a system of corrupt caterpillars that control the butterflies off the colours of their wings

a Zulu love

help institutionalize a corrupt system

worse than a natural government, a black man in a caterpillar society

wearing none other than purple wings, no longer getting shot because of the neutrality, 

passable in an isle, you can not Pimp a butterfly unless butterfly’s Pimp each other, 

and have the children riot against the society of caterpillars. 

Purple neutrality.

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